On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com> wrote:
> Notes:
>     v1:
>     I am still undecided if the client should then accept/resend
>     the capabilities to confirm them, which would make the client the
>     ultimate decider which capabilities are used.
>     My gut feeling is to rather let the server make the final decision
>     for the capabilities, as it will use some requested capabilities
>     already to not send out all the refs.

pack-capabilities.txt says

"Client will then send a space separated list of capabilities it wants
to be in effect. The client MUST NOT ask for capabilities the server
did not say it supports."

What was sent out of band is what the client can support, not what it
wants. So perhaps drop this patch and let the client decide exactly
what it wants.
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