On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 6:05 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote: > Just for fun, I was trying to see if there is a hole in the current > protocol that allows a new client to talk a valid v1 protocol > exchange with existing, deployed servers without breaking, while > letting it to know a new server that it is a new client and it does > not want to get blasted by megabytes of ref advertisement. > ... > The idea is to find a request that can be sent as the first > utterance by the client to an old server that is interpreted as a > no-op and can be recognised by a new server as such a "no-op probe". > ... > And there _is_ a hole ;-). The parsing of "shallow " object name is > done in such a way that an object name that passes get_sha1_hex() > that results in a NULL return from parse_object() is _ignored_. So > a new client can use "shallow 0{40}" as a no-op probe. > ... > I am _not_ proposing that we should go this route, at least not yet. > I am merely pointing out that an in-place sidegrade from v1 to a > protocol that avoids the megabyte-advertisement-at-the-beginning > seems to be possible, as a food for thought.
There may be another hole, if we send "want <empty-tree>", it looks like it will go through without causing errors. It's not exactly no-op because an empty tree object will be bundled in result pack. But that makes no difference in pratice. I didn't verify this though. In the spirit of fun, I looked at how jgit handles this shallow line (because this is more like an implementation hole than protocol hole). I don't think jgit would ignore 0{40} the way C Git does. This SHA-1 will end up in shallowCommits set in upload-pack, then will be parsed as a commit. But even if the parsing is through, a non-empty shallowCommits set would disable pack bitmap. Fun is usually short.. PS. heh my "want empty-tree" hole is probably impl-specific too. Not sure if jgit also keeps empty tree available even if it does not exist. -- Duy -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html