Hello. Thanks for the git, it is powerful, fast and nice to use. I've probably found a bug. When checking out into some different state, if there is no permissions to unlink files (if some files in the current state doesn't exist in the new) warnings are outputing, but then git says that checking out is successful, shows that we are in the new state and the non-unlinked files are marked as untracked. In my case. there was whole directories only, i don't know about this error when we cannot unlink different files or when the denied operation is not file removing (but it seems like the error is about unlinking only).
My git version is 2.1.0. I've found your email at https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/README#L45 and don't know about any other bugtrackers. Best regards, Vitaly Bormotov aka Quilfe.