On Feb 25, 2015, at 07:07, Nico Schlömer wrote:
Thanks Kyle for the patch! I applied it and ran
git svn clone https://geuz.org/svn/gmsh/trunk
Unfortunately, I'm still getting
r100 = e2a9b5baa2cebb18591ecb04ff350410d52f36de (refs/remotes/git-svn)
error closing pipe: Bad file descriptor at /usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/
Fetcher.pm line 335.
error closing pipe: Bad file descriptor at /usr/share/perl5/Git/SVN/
Fetcher.pm line 335.
out pipe went bad at /usr/share/perl5/Git.pm line 955.
Are you certain you're running with the patch? I ask because earlier
you sent this:
On Jan 31, 2015, at 04:51, Nico Schlömer wrote:
I tried the patch and I still get
r100 = e2a9b5baa2cebb18591ecb04ff350410d52f36de (refs/remotes/git-svn)
Unexpected result returned from git cat-file at
/home/nschloe/share/perl/5.18.2/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm line 335.
Failed to read object 619f9d1d857fb287d06a70c9dac6b8b534d0de6a at
/home/nschloe/share/perl/5.18.2/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm line 336, <GEN16>
line 757.
error closing pipe: Bad file descriptor at
/home/nschloe/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 0.
error closing pipe: Bad file descriptor at
/home/nschloe/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 0.
git svn clone https://geuz.org/svn/gmsh/trunk
And as the patch below applies to Fetcher.pm at line 322 and inserts 8
lines, I do not see how you could be getting the same error message at
line 335 if the patch was present. Even if you manually applied it by
only inserting the two lines of code, the line numbers would be at
least 337, not 335 as reported above. I also notice the path to
Fetcher.pm is different from your earlier report.
That said, the fact that it happens right after r100 (which is when
SVN::Pool::clear is getting called) suggests there's another file
handle getting caught up in the SVN::Pool somehow. (When I try to
clone gmsh, I got to r4885 before a server disconnection.)
It could be as simple as the open2 call FileHandle result in later
perl versions ends up in the SVN::Pool whereas in earlier Perl and/or
svn versions it does not.
What happens if you add this change on top of the Fetcher.pm change:
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm b/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
index 622535e2..96888228 100644
--- a/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ sub longest_common_path {
sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
my ($self, $base, $head, $gsv, $globs) = @_;
return if ($base > $head);
+ $::_repository->_open_cat_blob_if_needed;
my $gpool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
my $ra_url = $self->url;
my $reload_ra = sub {
On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:20 AM Kyle J. McKay <mack...@gmail.com>
I believe I have been able to track down this problem and implement a
fix. Please report back if this patch fixes the problem for you.
-- 8< --
Subject: [PATCH] Git::SVN::Fetcher: avoid premature 'svn_hash' temp
file closure
Since b19138b (git-svn: Make it incrementally faster by minimizing
files, v1.6.0), git-svn has been using the Git.pm temp_acquire and
temp_release mechanism to avoid unnecessary temp file churn and
a speed boost.
However, that change introduced a call to temp_acquire inside the
Git::SVN::Fetcher::close_file function for an 'svn_hash' temp file.
Because an SVN::Pool is active at the time this function is called, if
the Git::temp_acquire function ends up actually creating a new
FileHandle for the temp file (which it will the first time it's called
with the name 'svn_hash') that FileHandle will end up in the SVN::Pool
and should that pool have SVN::Pool::clear called on it that
will be closed out from under Git::temp_acquire.
Since the only call site to Git::temp_acquire with the name 'svn_hash'
is inside the close_file function, if an 'svn_hash' temp file is ever
created its FileHandle is guaranteed to be created in the active
This has not been a problem in the past because the SVN::Pool was not
being cleared. However, since dfa72fdb (git-svn: reload RA every
log-window-size, v2.2.0) the pool has been getting cleared
at which point the FileHandle for the 'svn_hash' temp file gets
Any subsequent calls to Git::temp_acquire for 'svn_hash', however,
succeed without creating/opening a new temporary file since it still
the now invalid FileHandle in its cache. Callers that then attempt to
use that FileHandle fail with an error.
We avoid this problem by making sure the 'svn_hash' temp file is
in the same place the 'svn_delta_...' and 'git_blob_...' temp files
(and then temp_release'd) so that it can be safely used inside the
close_file function without having its FileHandle end up in an
that gets cleared.
Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <mack...@gmail.com>
perl/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm | 8 ++++++++
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm b/perl/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm
index 10edb277..613055a3 100644
--- a/perl/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/Fetcher.pm
@@ -322,6 +322,14 @@ sub apply_textdelta {
# (but $base does not,) so dup() it for reading in close_file
open my $dup, '<&', $fh or croak $!;
my $base = $::_repository->temp_acquire("git_blob_${$}_
+ # close_file may call temp_acquire on 'svn_hash', but
because of the
+ # call chain, if the temp_acquire call from close_file ends
up being the
+ # call that first creates the 'svn_hash' temp file, then the
+ # that's created as a result will end up in an SVN::Pool
that we clear
+ # in SVN::Ra::gs_fetch_loop_common. Avoid that by making
sure the
+ # 'svn_hash' FileHandle is already created before close_file
is called.
+ my $tmp_fh = $::_repository->temp_acquire('svn_hash');
+ $::_repository->temp_release($tmp_fh, 1);
if ($fb->{blob}) {
my ($base_is_link, $size);
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