
When I do a simple interactive rebase, e.g. something like this:
edit 78f3ba8 editing or just rewriting this commit
pick b621076 foo
pick e06c28e this one had a "verbatim" commit message
pick c0a447f bar

and one of the commit messages from the children I edit/rewrite had a
commit message that was edited with --cleanup=verbatim (e.g. double
newlines, etc.).

Then these get lost once I --continue and it appears that the messages
are recreated but with the default of --cleanup=default .

IMO that's quite annoying, cause when one intentionally chose e.g.
-cleanup=verbatim and made commit messages with that, then this is
probably what one wanted and it should be dumped just because of
changing another commit.

Could that possibly be solved? :)


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