On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My idea is to make it easy for the user to change the sort algorithm.
> And it's probably intuitive to just substitute a string with
> something. So if "1-rc1" is put incorrectly before "1.1" and you
> realize that "1.999" ought to be the last one before "2". You could
> tell git to internally replace "1-rc1" with "1.999".
> This patch does that. The user feeds substitution rules via
> versionsort.substitute config keys, e.g.
>     git config versionsort.substitute "-rc .999"

I would say 1-rc1 comes and then 1-rc2 and then 1-rc3 ... 1-rc10 and then
1-rc11 and then finally 1. It will probably be followed by 1.1-rc1, 1.1-rc2, ...
and then 1.1 (aka 1.1-final).

If 1-rc1 is equated with 1.9991 because -rc is replaced with .999, how does
it make 1 come after 1.99911, and 1.1.9992 come before 1.1?

I didn't read the patch text and perhaps the explanation above is the only
thing faulty about your message, or perhaps my reading is faulty and the
above describes a sound idea, but I do not see how the above makes sense.
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