Hin-Tak Leung <ht...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Here is the data dumper info . I tried the dumper code on the R repo
> as well, and saw that against the virtual box repo, there is one 
> curious difference - $self->{last_rev} is a string rather than a number.
> I tried hacking around doing "$x += 0;" to coerce last_rev
> to a number at various places but didn't get very far. There seems to be some 
> caching
> code in RA->get_dir so presumably that's why the same code run
> on one repo gives it as string while on another gives it a number. Hope
> you can figure where the coersion to string happened.

Thanks, I'm not able to reproduce the issue, but can you try the

diff --git a/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm b/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
index 75cdac9..82d6108 100644
--- a/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ sub url {
 sub check_path {
        my ($self, $path, $r) = @_;
        my $cache = $self->{cache}->{check_path};
+       $r = int($r);
        if ($r == $cache->{r} && exists $cache->{data}->{$path}) {
                return $cache->{data}->{$path};
@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ sub check_path {
 sub get_dir {
        my ($self, $dir, $r) = @_;
        my $cache = $self->{cache}->{get_dir};
+       $r = int($r);
        if ($r == $cache->{r}) {
                if (my $x = $cache->{data}->{$dir}) {
                        return wantarray ? @$x : $x->[0];
The above should apply to my current master which has some
minor cleanups (which I hope to send to Junio tomorrow).

The following changes since commit fbecd99861ea5795aeba46faf2ac7a8c1b70d485:

  Update draft release notes to 2.2 (2014-10-24 15:02:17 -0700)

are available in the git repository at:

  git://bogomips.org/git-svn.git master

for you to fetch changes up to da0bc948ac2e01652a150fd4a57cebad6143242c:

  git-svn: add space after "W:" prefix in warning (2014-10-30 08:31:28 +0000)

Eric Wong (11):
      git-svn: reduce check_cherry_pick cache overhead
      git-svn: cache only mergeinfo revisions
      git-svn: remove mergeinfo rev caching
      git-svn: reload RA every log-window-size
      git-svn: remove unnecessary DESTROY override
      git-svn: save a little memory as fetch progresses
      git-svn: disable _rev_list memoization
      Git.pm: add specified name to tempfile template
      git-svn: prepare SVN::Ra config pieces once
      git-svn: (cleanup) remove editor param passing
      git-svn: add space after "W:" prefix in warning

Jakob Stoklund Olesen (2):
      git-svn: only look at the new parts of svn:mergeinfo
      git-svn: only look at the root path for svn:mergeinfo

Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik (1):
      git-svn.txt: advertise pushurl with dcommit

 Documentation/git-svn.txt |   4 ++
 perl/Git.pm               |   5 +-
 perl/Git/SVN.pm           | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 perl/Git/SVN/Ra.pm        |  90 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 4 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
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