Jeff King <> writes:

> So that explains that bug (as a side note, you might think that if we
> are flipping return values, lots of things would fail when they ask "do
> we have this packed object" and it erroneously says "yes". But that does
> not happen. The wrong return value comes from freshening the file, so we
> only flip "yes" to "no", and never the opposite).
> ...
> When dt/cache-tree-repair is merged, we have a valid cache tree when we
> run "git commit", and we realize that we do not need to write out the
> tree object at all. Thus we never hit the buggy code, the object isn't
> created, and the subsequent prune reports that there is nothing to
> prune.

Wow, that is a tricky "bug" (rather the series with the bug failed
to fail when applied to 'master', so it is an "unbug" that hides a
bug) to hunt down.  Thanks for digging.

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