Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Jakub Narębski <jna...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Junio C Hamano wrote:
>>>   - "[config] safe = section.variable" will list variables that can
>>>     be included with the config.safeInclude mechanism.  Any variable
>>>     that is not marked as config.safe that appears in the file
>>>     included by the config.safeInclude mechanism will be ignored.
>> Why user must know which variables are safe, why it cannot be left to
>> Git to know which configuration variables can call external scripts?
> That's a fallback to let them take responsibility for variables we
> do not mark as "safe"; and having that fallback mechanism lets us
> keep the set of variables we by default mark as safe to the absolute
> minimum.

Perhaps this would need a way to say "this value is safe for this
variable" too. I don't have a real use-case, but one could say something
like "I'm OK with the file overriding core.editor, but the only values I
accept are nano, vim and emacs".

It doesn't seem to be a prerequisite to implement the safeInclude
feature, but we should live room in the namespace for the day we want to
add it.

I don't have really good idea for it. The first I could think of was

[config "safe"]
    core.editor = nano
    core.editor = vim
    core.editor = emacs

but it's not accepted by the current parser, hence not backward

Emacs has such mechanism for -*- ... -*- local variables in files for

Matthieu Moy
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