On 2014-10-07 11:57, Julien Carsique wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you both for your feedback!
> I'm looking at applying your requests:
> - add tests,
> - variable renaming,
> - use of local,
> - fix multiple issues on string parsing
> - avoid useless bash-isms? Did you agree on the ones I should remove?

I'm guessing the structure of your code will change somewhat when you
address the other issues, so I think it may be premature to discuss
specific Bashisms right now.  (There aren't any particular Bashisms that
I think should always be avoided -- I just want people to ponder whether
a particular use of a Bashism is truly preferable to a POSIX-conformant

Write the code in the way you think is best, and if I see a good way to
convert a Bashism to POSIX I'll let you know.  And feel free to ignore
me -- I'm a member of the Church of POSIX Conformance while Junio is
much more grounded in reality.  :)

> I'll send an updated patch asap. Tell me if I forgot something.

Your list looks complete to me.  Thank you for contributing!


> Regards,
> Julien
> On 01/10/2014 19:49, Junio C Hamano wrote:
>> Richard Hansen <rhan...@bbn.com> writes:
>>>> and there is no hope to "fix" them to stick to
>>>> the bare-minimum POSIX,
>>> I don't think it'd be hard to convert it to pure POSIX if there was a
>>> desire to do so.
>> Not necessarily; if you make it so slow to be usable as a prompt
>> script, that is not a "conversion".  Bash-isms in the script is
>> allowed for a reason, unfortunately.
>>> It would be unwise to go to great lengths to avoid Bashisms, but I think
>>> it would be smart to use POSIX syntax when it is easy to do so.  
>> In general, I agree with you. People who know only bash tend to
>> overuse bash-isms where they are not necessary, leaving an
>> unreadable mess.
>> For the specific purpose of Julien's "if the tail part of this
>> string matches the other string, replace that with an equal sign",
>> ${parameter/pattern/string} is a wrong bash-ism to use.  But the
>> right solution to count the length of the other string and take a
>> substring of this string from its beginning would require other
>> bash-isms ${#parameter} and ${parameter:offset:length}.
>> And that's fine.

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