There seems to be some other trouble under Mac OS, not yet fully tracked down,
(may be related to the "diff -r")
Torsten sees failures of this kind under Mac OS:
diff -r .git/modules/sub1/config sub1/.git/config
< worktree = ../../../sub1
worktree = ../../../sub1
So the config contains the same content, but the worktree setting moved
to a different line. This seems to be the result of setting core.worktree
in the test_git_directory_is_unchanged function just before the "diff -r",
but only under Mac OS.
So I was suspecting diff -r beinng non-portable, but that doesn't seem
to be the problem here.
(But I wouldn't be surprised if there where problems with diff -r on
some Unix systems)
Anyway, checking all the files in the working tree seems to be a good
thing to do,
but that does not necessarily work for .git/config.
A "brute force" approach could be to simply run the config file(s)
through sort and compare them:
sort <.git/modules/sub1/config >expect &&
sort <sub1/.git/config >actual &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
rm expect actual &&
cp git/modules/sub1/config sub1/.git/config
[end of scriptlet]
And here the "dumps" of the 2 config files:
Branch remove_sub1 set up to track remote branch remove_sub1 from origin.
warning: unable to rmdir sub1: Directory not empty
Updating 68c8810..81b9f6a
.gitmodules | 4 ----
1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .gitmodules
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
worktree = ../../../sub1
ignorecase = true
precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
url = /Users/tb/projects/git/tb.140704_JensLehman/t/trash
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
precomposeunicode = true
worktree = ../../../sub1
[remote "origin"]
url = /Users/tb/projects/git/tb.140704_JensLehman/t/trash
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
diff -r .git/modules/sub1/config sub1/.git/config
< worktree = ../../../sub1
> worktree = ../../../sub1
not ok 7 - git merge: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a
.git directory alone
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