On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 11:52:24AM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:

> Some mailing list filters and/or spam filters flag mails with too many
> recipients so that they need to pass through moderation first.  The
> typical threads on this list are short and have few recipients while
> longer threads, due to the list policy of adding every participants to
> the Cc, will tend to have more recipients.

AFAIK, vger does not do anything like this. They block HTML, messages
lacking a message-id, messages over 100K, and certain taboo phrases:


And anyway, I do not think vger is responsible here. The messages were
delivered through the list, and other archives have them. This looks
like a gmane problem.

According to gmane.org, their admins will look manually at messages
flagged as spam, but I find it unlikely that they flagged several days
worth of git traffic (and when they do, I think they cross-post them to
a spam group in NNTP, and the messages do not seem to be marked as
such). So I think this really is just a bug.

> And frankly, if I were a list moderator and software asked me through
> this sort of coincidence whether a mail should be delivered or not and a
> glance at it shows nothing but insults, wild accusations, threats and so
> on for the umpteenth time, I'd consider twice clicking "Accept".
> Whether or not I ultimately did so, this would likely contribute to the
> delay.

I do not disagree, but please let's not rehash all of that again.

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