On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:22 AM, John Fisher <fishook2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Probably known issues. But some elaboration would be nice (e.g. what 
>> operation is slow, how slow, some more detail
>> characteristics of the repo..) in case new problems pop up.
> so far I have done add, commit, status, clone - commit and status are slow; 
> add seems to depend on the files involved,
> clone seems to run at network speed.
> I can provide metrics later, see above. email me offline with what you want.

OK "commit -a" should be just as slow as "add", but as-is commit and
status should be fast unless there are lots of files (how many in your
worktree?) or we hit something that makes us look into (large) file
content anyway.
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