On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:35:13PM +1000, James Denholm wrote:
> Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> >I think the problem is that
> >contrib/subtree does not really have an active dedicated area
> >maintainer.
> Yeah, I can see how that might become a bit of a problem. I was
> actually thinking of doing a bit of work on subtree beyond this
> specific patch, so hopefully that won't be a show-stopper. We'll
> see what happens, I guess.
Agreed.  It also doesn't help that when subtree patches are proposed
(especially new features instead of obvious bugs), there often seems
to be little or no feedback from anyone.

Depending on how much time you have:

This may be outside the scope of work you were planning on, but
it might be worth grepping through old mailing list archives for
"subtree" patches that haven't been merged, and see if there is
anything worth revisiting/resubmitting.  I believe most of the
following (at least) kind of languished and died, often with little
or no real review and feedback:

  - My own series, plus another patch that has roughly the
    same description, but different semantics.

  - Some series from Paul Campbell.

  - Other series.

  - Miscellaneous

And probably others...

(I don't know if these are the latest or "best" versions of these, nor
have I really looked at them closely to decide if they are worth
including at all.  Be sure to exameine not just the discussion around
the specific patches, but also the other patches in each series...)

                     - Matthew Ogilvie
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