Jeremy Morton <> wrote:
>On 27/04/2014 22:40, James Denholm wrote:
>>> Also, you don't always have something you can link a commit to in an
>>> issue tracker.  You may just be implementing a feature that has been
>>> agreed upon, independently of any such tracker.  In that case,
>>> no bug# to link to.
>> In which case, refer to whatever system you use. If you aren't
>> using a ticketing system, have the line "Relates-to: Water
>> cooler conversation with Bob on July 28th" or whatever the
>> patches relate to.
>> (Arguably, though, the better solution is to use a ticketing
>> system, or anything that allows discussion to be easily
>> referenced.)
>Well, as I said elsewhere in this discussion, Git should provide that 
>functionality built-in, IMHO.  It would be good to be able to set a 
>one-liner in my .gitconfig to tag each commit with a "branch checked 
>into" trailer.

In that case, write something onto your post-commit hook and the
functionality would be achieved. A relates-to line doesn't need a
change to the structure of git commits.

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