RĂ¼diger Sonderfeld wrote:
> I'm using git-remote-bzr to access the GNU Emacs Bazaar repo.  I followed the 
> guideline described here: 
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2013-05/msg00008.html
> Pulling and pushing worked flawless for several month.  But recently git 
> bzr stopped working with the following error message:

Sorry for the late reply.

So basically your repository is screwed up. I just sent patches to the Git's
core so it doesn't happen again.

To recover the easiest is to remove these files: .git/bzr/origin/marks-*, in
your repository, and then run `git fetch`. However, when you do that basically
you have to fetch everything again.

You could also try this script I wrote[1]. If you run `git marks-check -mbzr -v
-f origin` it will find all the issues in the mark files and fix them. Then run
`git fetch` again.


[1] https://gist.github.com/felipec/10551806

Felipe Contreras--
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