On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:24:24AM +1000, Andrew Ardill wrote:

> It's normal for an organisation to have a collection of logos to
> choose from, with one 'official' version. For example, a black and
> white version is useful for print. Similarly, it's useful to have a
> couple of different contrast level/colours that can be used in the
> appropriate situations.

There are a few options at


for matching the logo to the background.

> There is nothing wrong with having alternates that have been approved
> for various situations.

I'm not sure if this is how you meant it, but I want to emphasize that
there is no "approval" necessary for using alternate logos. Saying
"let's recognize this one as an official logo" is not meant to shut down
the use of others. It is only meant to say "when people ask for an
official logo (e.g., GSoC does so), this one is a good answer".

That is not to say that proliferation of logos is a good idea either.
The point of a logo is recognizability, and if there are dozens of git
logos, chances are that most of them are not recognizable.

> I recommend creating a git repository called git-resources,
> git-marketing, or git-assets, to contain the various approved logos.
> If there is not another location, or a more appropriate one,
> https://github.com/git would be a good place to put this.

I think the logo page above is a good start for variations of that
particular logo. I'd prefer not to put other random logos there unless
they also get wide enough use that they are recognized by the project.
But I have no objection to a repository of random logos.

The git-scm.com page is mostly targeted at end users: what is it, how do
I get it, where is the documentation. Things like a logo repository, or
developer information is spread across various wikis and other sites.
If there's interest, we can make "dev.git-scm.com" for such things, or
host repositories under http://github.com/git. But we would first need
content to put there, and somebody would need to step forward to
organize and maintain that content.

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