Am 02.04.2014 23:52, schrieb Michal Sojka:
> Hello,
> I needed to convert a subdirectory of a repo to a submodule and have the
> histories of both repos linked together. I found that this was discussed
> few years back [1], but the code seemed quite complicated and was not
> merged.
> [1]: 
> Now, the situation is better, because git subtree can already do most of
> the work. Below is a script that I used to split a submodule from my
> repo. It basically consist of a call to 'git subtree split' followed by
> 'git filter-branch' to link the histories together.
> I'd like to get some initial feedback on it before attempting to
> integrate it with git sources (i.e. writing tests and doc). What do you
> think?

Why do want to rewrite the whole history of the superproject,
wouldn't it suffice to turn a directory into a submodule with
the same content in a simple commit? Don't get me wrong, I'm
not against adding such a functionality to contrib, I'm just
trying to understand the motivation for your script.

> Thanks,
> -Michal
> #!/bin/sh
> set -e
> . git-sh-setup
> url=$1
> dir=$2
> test -d "$dir" || die "$dir is not a directory"
> # Create subtree corresponding to the directory
> subtree=$(git subtree split --prefix="$dir")
> subtree_tag=tmp/submodule-split-$$
> git tag $subtree_tag $subtree
> superproject=$PWD
> export subtree subtree_tag superproject
> # Replace the directory with submodule reference in the whole history
> git filter-branch -f --index-filter "
>     set -e
>     # Check whether the $dir exists in this commit
>     if git ls-files --error-unmatch '$dir' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
>         # Find subtree commit corresponding to the commit in the
>         # superproject (this could be made faster by not running git log
>         # for every commit)
>         subcommit=\$(git log --format='%T %H' $subtree |
>           grep ^\$(git ls-tree \$GIT_COMMIT -- '$dir'|awk '{print \$3}') |
>           awk '{print \$2}')
>         # filter-branch runs the filter in an empty work-tree - create the
>         # future submodule in it so that the 'git submodule add' below
>         # does not try to clone it.
>         if ! test -d '$dir'; then
>           mkdir -p '$dir'
>           ( cd '$dir' && clear_local_git_env && git init --quiet && git pull 
> $superproject $subtree_tag )
>         fi
>         # Remove all files under $dir from index so that the 'git
>         # submodule add' below does not complain.
>         git ls-files '$dir'|git update-index --force-remove --stdin
>         # Add the submodule - the goal here is to create/update .gitmodules
>         git submodule add $url '$dir'
>         # Update the submodule commit hash to the correct value
>         echo \"160000 \$subcommit     $dir\"|git update-index --index-info
>     fi
> "
> # Replace the directory in the working tree with the submodule
> ( cd "$dir" && find -mindepth 1 -delete && git init && git pull $superproject 
> $subtree_tag )
> # Clean up
> git tag --delete $subtree_tag
> --
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