Hi! I have a small question: After a "git gc" with last commit being "[shared 2679648]" I found this: > cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/shared > cat .git/refs/heads/shared cat: .git/refs/heads/shared: No such file or directory
Is this intentional? How does Git find the numeric commit for HEAD? Using find, I found my commit in these files: .git/logs/HEAD .git/logs/refs/heads/shared .git/info/refs .git/packed-refs Before "git gc" I found the commit ID in HEAD. Why I'm worrying?: I tried to make a simple script that finds out the current HEAD-commit like this: if [ -d .git ]; then GIT_HEAD="$(<.git/HEAD)" GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_HEAD##*/}" GIT_HEAD="Git:$GIT_BRANCH-$(cut -c1-7 .git/${GIT_HEAD##*: })" fi Then $GIT_HEAD was something like "Git:shared-863962c". Should I use code like this:? awk '$2 == "refs/heads/shared" { print $1 }' .git/info/refs Of course I'd be most pleased if there was some git builtin to get that (I read the manual without success). Using an older version of Git (git-1.7.12)... Regards, Ulrich Windl -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html