Thanks for the feedback,

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Why is this an improvement?  Do you expect this function to be called
> often for empty lines (as opposed, for example, to lines consisting
> solely of whitespace characters)?

Yes, you are probably right, we are not gonna get much (if any)
completely empty lines

> The comment just above this change gives a justification for putting an
> "if" statement surrounding the "while" statements.  Do you think the
> comment's argument is incorrect?  If so, please explain why, and remove
> or change the comment.

I see what I did wrong. I thought since that the if-condition is double checked
(from the while clause) so I removed it.

Also this lead me to see that since the while clause is now unconditioned, there
is no point of it being replicated exactly the same above, so I
removed that too. =(

I'm trying to find other inefficiencies/irregularities on that
function. I'm currently
thinking on merging the first checks with a call to iswspace() or
something similar.

Also thanks for clarifying the way patches/mails work.


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