On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 04:24:15PM -0700, Paul Lotz wrote:
> David,
> OK, I did as you suggested, and the results were revealing.
> First, I replaced "echo" with "cat".  Result: The contents of both files 
> appeared in the Git Bash Window.
> Then I tried calling LVCompare from the Git Bash and Windows Command Prompt 
> windows with variations on the paths.
> Here are the most relevant results:
> First from the Windows Command Prompt:
> 1) This command works:
> C:\LSST_TS\SystemSW\M2AADT>"C:\Program Files (x86)\National 
> Instruments\Shared\L
> abVIEW Compare\LVCompare.exe" 
> C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\Typedefs_TestStat
> us_Before.ctl C:\LSST_TS\SystemSW\M2AADT\Typedefs\TestStatus.ctl
> [General note:
> I saved a copy of the temp file and replaced the hex string with the string 
> 'Before' to make the file stick around.  The paths are otherwise the same.]

This is aligns with: 

        "lvcompare.exe <absolute path to VI 1> ..."

The key thing is the mention of absolute paths.

What is happening is that lvcompare.exe (or likely it's a
Windows thing) changes its current directory to its installation
directory under Progra~1.

That means the relative paths passed in by difftool won't be found.

The way to fix it is to redirect your difftool config to a script
that makes all paths absolute.  This script can then call the real

You just need to tweak the lvcompare part in your .gitconfig
to look like this:

[difftool "lvcompare"]
        cmd = ~/bin/lvcompare.sh \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

... and install an executable lvcompare.sh shell script in in
your $HOME/bin.  Something like this:


abspath () {
                cd "$(dirname "$1")" &&
                printf "%s/%s" "$(pwd)" "$(basename "$1")"

lvcompare="C:\\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\\Shared\\LabVIEW 
local=$(abspath "$1")
remote=$(abspath "$2")
exec "$lvcompare" "$local" "$remote"

> 2) C:\LSST_TS\SystemSW\M2AADT>"C:\Program Files (x86)\National 
> Instruments\Shared\L
> abVIEW Compare\LVCompare.exe" 
> C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\Typedefs_TestStat
> us_Before.ctl Typedefs\TestStatus.ctl
> Result: Error message with reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\National 
> Instruments\Shared\L
> abVIEW Compare\supportVIs\_prolvcmp.llb\Typedefs\TestStatus.ctl
> Observation: The second path has to be the full path, not the relative path 
> we get back using "echo".

Yes, that's what it looks like.
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