Paul Mackerras <> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 11:20:18PM +0200, Max Kirillov wrote:
> > Custom tags have higher priority than `sel`, and when they define their
> > own background, it makes selection invisible. Especially inconvenient
> > for `filesep` (to select filenames), but also affects other tags.
> > Use `tag raise` to fix `sel`'s priority.
> > 
> > Also change `omark` tag handling, so that it is created once, together
> > with others, and then only removed from text rather than deleted. Then
> > it will not get larger priority than the `sel` tag.
> This conflicts with the recent change to highlight the current search
> hit in orange (c46149, "gitk: Highlight current search hit in
> orange").  With the selection being the highest-priority tag, the
> current search hit gets shown in grey instead.  I think I prefer the
> orange.  I agree though that if the user explicitly selects part of
> the text using the mouse, the selection highlight should be the
> highest priority in that case.  Maybe the solution is to not select
> the search hit automatically?

I don't think that not selecting the search hint is an option: the
selection is used to keep track of where to search next.

Can't we just raise the currentsearchhit tag above the sel tag?

Stefan Haller
Berlin, Germany
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