Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> writes:

>> Subject: Re: [PATCH 04/15] api-remote.txt: correct section "struct refspect"


> * Replace reference to function parse_ref_spec() with references to
>   functions parse_fetch_refspec() and parse_push_refspec().
> * Correct description of src and dst: they *do* include the '*'
>   characters.

 * Replace a single SP after a full-stop at the end of sentence with
   double SP as if we were back in the typewriter age.

The last one made it hard to spot what actually got changed,
though.  The updated text otherwise looks correct.


> Signed-off-by: Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu>
> ---
>  Documentation/technical/api-remote.txt | 20 ++++++++++----------
>  1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-remote.txt 
> b/Documentation/technical/api-remote.txt
> index 4be8776..5d245aa 100644
> --- a/Documentation/technical/api-remote.txt
> +++ b/Documentation/technical/api-remote.txt
> @@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ default remote, given the current branch and 
> configuration.
>  struct refspec
>  --------------
> -A struct refspec holds the parsed interpretation of a refspec. If it
> -will force updates (starts with a '+'), force is true. If it is a
> -pattern (sides end with '*') pattern is true. src and dest are the two
> -sides (if a pattern, only the part outside of the wildcards); if there
> -is only one side, it is src, and dst is NULL; if sides exist but are
> -empty (i.e., the refspec either starts or ends with ':'), the
> -corresponding side is "".
> -
> -This parsing can be done to an array of strings to give an array of
> -struct refpsecs with parse_ref_spec().
> +A struct refspec holds the parsed interpretation of a refspec.  If it
> +will force updates (starts with a '+'), force is true.  If it is a
> +pattern (sides end with '*') pattern is true.  src and dest are the
> +two sides (including '*' characters if present); if there is only one
> +side, it is src, and dst is NULL; if sides exist but are empty (i.e.,
> +the refspec either starts or ends with ':'), the corresponding side is
> +"".
> +
> +An array of strings can be parsed into an array of struct refspecs
> +using parse_fetch_refspec() or parse_push_refspec().
>  remote_find_tracking(), given a remote and a struct refspec with
>  either src or dst filled out, will fill out the other such that the
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