On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 08:15:46PM -0500, Felipe Contreras wrote:

> >> You are free to go ahead and implement 'warning ()' in git-sh-setup.sh, in 
> >> the
> >> meantime no shell script does that, and that's no reason to reject this 
> >> patch
> >> series.
> >
> > You are completely missing Matthieu's point that we attempt to be
> > consistent in the format of messages, as well as where they are output,
> > and from a user's perspective it does not matter what language the tool
> > is implemented in.
> If we truly did that, there should be a warning () function, like in C.

Or people could hand-code them to look similar, which is exactly what
has happened.

If you want to factor out a warning function to clean up the code, be my
guest. But the lack of one does not provide an argument that you should
break consistency.

> > -               echo "The configurations pull.rebase and 
> > branch.<name>.rebase are deprecated."
> > -               echo "Please use pull.mode and branch.<name>.pullmode 
> > instead."
> > +               echo >&2 "warning: The configurations pull.rebase and 
> > branch.<name>.rebase are deprecated."
> > +               echo >&2 "Please use pull.mode and branch.<name>.pullmode 
> > instead."
> [...]
> Are you sure you want me to squash that in? Because the warnings
> wouldn't be consistent. Some would be "WARNING: " and others would be
> "warning: ". Personally I don't care, but if your argument is
> consistency, you should. If we had a warning () function, we could
> truly be consistent.

It is significant in the most important ways, which are labeling it at
all, and sending it to stderr. Capitalization is less important, in my

Using a lowercase version is much more consistent with the warnings
produced by C code, which is why I chose it over the capitalized
version. Again, if you want to change the existing WARNING cases in the
shell scripts to be consistent with C output, be my guest.

Do you actually have some reason for wanting to output to go to stdout?

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