git-svn by default puts its Subversion-tracking refs directly in
refs/remotes/*. This runs counter to Git's convention of using
refs/remotes/$remote/* for storing remote-tracking branches.

Furthermore, combining git-svn with regular git remotes run the risk of
clobbering refs under refs/remotes (e.g. if you have a git remote
called "tags" with a "v1" branch, it will overlap with the git-svn's
tracking branch for the "v1" tag from Subversion.

Even though the git-svn refs stored in refs/remotes/* are not "proper"
remote-tracking branches (since they are not covered by a proper git
remote's refspec), they clearly represent a similar concept, and would
benefit from following the same convention.

For example, if git-svn tracks Subversion branch "foo" at
refs/remotes/foo, and you create a local branch refs/heads/foo to add
some commits to be pushed back to Subversion (using "git svn dcommit),
then it is clearly unhelpful of Git to throw

  warning: refname 'foo' is ambiguous.

every time you checkout, rebase, or otherwise interact with the branch.

The existing workaround for this is to supply the --prefix=quux/ to
git svn init/clone, so that git-svn's tracking branches end up in
refs/remotes/quux/* instead of refs/remotes/*. However, encouraging
users to specify --prefix to work around a design flaw in git-svn is
suboptimal, and not a long term solution to the problem. Instead,
git-svn should default to use a non-empty prefix that saves
unsuspecting users from the inconveniences described above.

This patch will only affect newly created git-svn setups, as the
--prefix option only applies to git svn init (and git svn clone).
Existing git-svn setups will continue with their existing (lack of)
prefix. Also, if anyone somehow prefers git-svn's old layout, they
can recreate that by explicitly passing an empty prefix (--prefix "")
on the git svn init/clone command line.

The patch changes the default value for --prefix from "" to "origin/",
updates the git-svn manual page, and fixes the fallout in the git-svn

(Note that this patch might be easier to review using the --word-diff
and --word-diff-regex=. diff options.)

Suggested-by: Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen <>
Cc: Eric Wong <>
Signed-off-by: Johan Herland <>
 Documentation/git-svn.txt                        | 19 +--------
 git-svn.perl                                     | 12 +-----
 t/                       | 54 ++++++++++++------------
 t/                 |  4 +-
 t/                           | 46 ++++++++++----------
 t/                    | 16 +++----
 t/            | 20 ++++-----
 t/    | 14 +++---
 t/       |  6 +--
 t/                    | 18 ++++----
 t/       |  2 +-
 t/             | 28 ++++++------
 t/                 |  2 +-
 t/             |  4 +-
 t/           |  6 +--
 t/                | 22 +++++-----
 t/           |  4 +-
 t/  |  2 +-
 t/ |  2 +-
 t/         |  2 +-
 20 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-svn.txt b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
index 7980c20..43da05a 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-svn.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
@@ -86,14 +86,7 @@ COMMANDS
        (refs/remotes/$remote/*). Setting a prefix is also useful
        if you wish to track multiple projects that share a common
-NOTE: In Git v2.0, the default prefix will CHANGE from "" (no prefix)
-to "origin/". This is done to put SVN-tracking refs at
-"refs/remotes/origin/*" instead of "refs/remotes/*", and make them
-more compatible with how Git's own remote-tracking refs are organized
-(i.e. refs/remotes/$remote/*). You can enjoy the same benefits today,
-by using the --prefix option.
+       By default, the prefix is set to 'origin/'.
        When passed to 'init' or 'clone' this regular expression will
        be preserved as a config key.  See 'fetch' for a description
@@ -987,16 +980,6 @@ without giving any repository layout options.  If the full 
history with
 branches and tags is required, the options '--trunk' / '--branches' /
 '--tags' must be used.
-When using the options for describing the repository layout (--trunk,
---tags, --branches, --stdlayout), please also specify the --prefix
-option (e.g. '--prefix=origin/') to cause your SVN-tracking refs to be
-placed at refs/remotes/origin/* rather than the default refs/remotes/*.
-The former is more compatible with the layout of Git's "regular"
-remote-tracking refs (refs/remotes/$remote/*), and may potentially
-prevent similarly named SVN branches and Git remotes from clobbering
-each other. In Git v2.0 the default prefix used (i.e. when no --prefix
-is given) will change from "" (no prefix) to "origin/".
 When using multiple --branches or --tags, 'git svn' does not automatically
 handle name collisions (for example, if two branches from different paths have
 the same name, or if a branch and a tag have the same name).  In these cases,
diff --git a/git-svn.perl b/git-svn.perl
index 0443a4f..ad3fe66 100755
--- a/git-svn.perl
+++ b/git-svn.perl
@@ -1389,17 +1389,7 @@ sub cmd_multi_init {
-       unless (defined $_prefix) {
-               $_prefix = '';
-               warn <<EOF
-WARNING: --prefix is not given, defaulting to empty prefix.
-         This is probably not what you want! In order to stay compatible
-         with regular remote-tracking refs, provide a prefix like
-         --prefix=origin/ (remember the trailing slash), which will cause
-         the SVN-tracking refs to be placed at refs/remotes/origin/*.
-NOTE: In Git v2.0, the default prefix will change from empty to 'origin/'.
-       }
+       $_prefix = 'origin/' unless defined $_prefix;
        if (defined $url) {
                $url = canonicalize_url($url);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ee73013..6e69fc4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -45,27 +45,27 @@ test_expect_success 'initialize old-style (v0) git svn 
layout' '
 test_expect_success 'initialize a multi-repository repo' '
        git svn init "$svnrepo" -T trunk -t tags -b branches &&
        git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch > fetch.out &&
-       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/trunk$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/origin/trunk$" fetch.out &&
        test -n "`git config --get svn-remote.svn.branches \
-                   "^branches/\*:refs/remotes/\*$"`" &&
+                   "^branches/\*:refs/remotes/origin/\*$"`" &&
        test -n "`git config --get svn-remote.svn.tags \
-                   "^tags/\*:refs/remotes/tags/\*$"`" &&
+                   "^tags/\*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/\*$"`" &&
        git config --unset svn-remote.svn.branches \
-                               "^branches/\*:refs/remotes/\*$" &&
+                               "^branches/\*:refs/remotes/origin/\*$" &&
        git config --unset svn-remote.svn.tags \
-                               "^tags/\*:refs/remotes/tags/\*$" &&
-       git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch "branches/a:refs/remotes/a" &&
-       git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch "branches/b:refs/remotes/b" &&
+                               "^tags/\*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/\*$" &&
+       git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch 
"branches/a:refs/remotes/origin/a" &&
+       git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch 
"branches/b:refs/remotes/origin/b" &&
        for i in tags/0.1 tags/0.2 tags/0.3; do
                git config --add svn-remote.svn.fetch \
-                                $i:refs/remotes/$i || exit 1; done &&
+                                $i:refs/remotes/origin/$i || exit 1; done &&
        git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch > fetch.out &&
-       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/trunk$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/a$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/b$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/origin/trunk$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/origin/a$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/origin/b$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
        grep "^:refs/${remotes_git_svn}" fetch.out
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ test_expect_success 'initialize a multi-repository repo' '
 test_expect_success 'multi-fetch works on partial urls + paths' "
        git svn multi-fetch &&
        for i in trunk a b tags/0.1 tags/0.2 tags/0.3; do
-               git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/\$i^0 >> refs.out || exit 1;
+               git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/\$i^0 >> refs.out || 
exit 1;
            done &&
        test -z \"\`sort < refs.out | uniq -d\`\" &&
        for i in trunk a b tags/0.1 tags/0.2 tags/0.3; do
          for j in trunk a b tags/0.1 tags/0.2 tags/0.3; do
                if test \$j != \$i; then continue; fi
-           test -z \"\`git diff refs/remotes/\$i \
-                                refs/remotes/\$j\`\" ||exit 1; done; done
+           test -z \"\`git diff refs/remotes/origin/\$i \
+                                refs/remotes/origin/\$j\`\" ||exit 1; done; 
 test_expect_success 'migrate --minimize on old inited layout' '
@@ -98,27 +98,27 @@ test_expect_success 'migrate --minimize on old inited 
layout' '
        git svn migrate --minimize &&
        test -z "`git config -l | grep "^svn-remote\.git-svn\."`" &&
        git config --get-all svn-remote.svn.fetch > fetch.out &&
-       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/trunk$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/a$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/b$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
-       grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^trunk:refs/remotes/origin/trunk$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^branches/a:refs/remotes/origin/a$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^branches/b:refs/remotes/origin/b$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.1:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.1$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.2:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.2$" fetch.out &&
+       grep "^tags/0\.3:refs/remotes/origin/tags/0\.3$" fetch.out &&
        grep "^:refs/${remotes_git_svn}" fetch.out
 test_expect_success  ".rev_db auto-converted to .rev_map.UUID" '
        git svn fetch -i trunk &&
-       test -z "$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_db.* 2>/dev/null)" 
-       expect="$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_map.*)" &&
+       test -z "$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/origin/trunk/.rev_db.* 
2>/dev/null)" &&
+       expect="$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/origin/trunk/.rev_map.*)" &&
        test -n "$expect" &&
        rev_db="$(echo $expect | sed -e "s,_map,_db,")" &&
        convert_to_rev_db "$expect" "$rev_db" &&
        rm -f "$expect" &&
        test -f "$rev_db" &&
        git svn fetch -i trunk &&
-       test -z "$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_db.* 2>/dev/null)" 
-       test ! -e "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_db &&
+       test -z "$(ls "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/origin/trunk/.rev_db.* 
2>/dev/null)" &&
+       test ! -e "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/origin/trunk/.rev_db &&
        test -f "$expect"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f524d2f..6f0968a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ test_expect_success 'setup svn repository' '
 test_expect_success 'setup git mirror and merge' '
        git svn init "$svnrepo" -t tags -T trunk -b branches &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git checkout -b svn remotes/trunk &&
+       git checkout -b svn remotes/origin/trunk &&
        git checkout -b merge &&
        echo new file > new_file &&
        git add new_file &&
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ test_debug 'gitk --all & sleep 1'
 test_expect_success 'verify post-merge ancestry' "
        test x\`git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/svn\` = \
-            x\`git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/trunk \` &&
+            x\`git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/trunk \` &&
        test x\`git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/svn^2\` = \
             x\`git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/merge\` &&
        git cat-file commit refs/heads/svn^ | grep '^friend$'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cf4c052..45773ee 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository and import' '
        ) &&
        git svn init "$svnrepo" -T trunk -b branches -t tags &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        echo bye >> README &&
        git commit -a -m bye &&
        git svn dcommit &&
-       git reset --hard a &&
+       git reset --hard origin/a &&
        echo why >> FEEDME &&
        git update-index --add FEEDME &&
        git commit -m feedme &&
        git svn dcommit &&
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        echo aye >> README &&
        git commit -a -m aye &&
        git svn dcommit &&
-       git reset --hard b &&
+       git reset --hard origin/b &&
        echo spy >> README &&
        git commit -a -m spy &&
        echo try >> README &&
@@ -42,26 +42,26 @@ test_expect_success 'setup repository and import' '
 test_expect_success 'run log' "
-       git reset --hard a &&
-       git svn log -r2 trunk | grep ^r2 &&
-       git svn log -r4 trunk | grep ^r4 &&
+       git reset --hard origin/a &&
+       git svn log -r2 origin/trunk | grep ^r2 &&
+       git svn log -r4 origin/trunk | grep ^r4 &&
        git svn log -r3 | grep ^r3
 test_expect_success 'run log against a from trunk' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
-       git svn log -r3 a | grep ^r3
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
+       git svn log -r3 origin/a | grep ^r3
 printf 'r1 \nr2 \nr4 \n' > expected-range-r1-r2-r4
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 1:4 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r1-r2-r4 -
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with --show-commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log --show-commit -r 1:4 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | 
test_cmp expected-range-r1-r2-r4 -
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with 
--show-commit (sha1)' "
        git svn find-rev r1 >expected-range-r1-r2-r4-sha1 &&
        git svn find-rev r2 >>expected-range-r1-r2-r4-sha1 &&
        git svn find-rev r4 >>expected-range-r1-r2-r4-sha1 &&
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log --show-commit -r 1:4 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f2 >out 
        git rev-parse \$(cat out) >actual &&
        test_cmp expected-range-r1-r2-r4-sha1 actual
@@ -78,67 +78,67 @@ test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with 
--show-commit (sha1)' "
 printf 'r4 \nr2 \nr1 \n' > expected-range-r4-r2-r1
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 4:1 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r4-r2-r1 -
 printf 'r1 \nr2 \n' > expected-range-r1-r2
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with unreachable revision' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 1:3 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r1-r2 -
 printf 'r2 \nr1 \n' > expected-range-r2-r1
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range with unreachable revision' 
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 3:1 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r2-r1 -
 printf 'r2 \n' > expected-range-r2
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with unreachable upper 
boundary revision and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 2:3 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r2 -
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range with unreachable upper 
boundary revision and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 3:2 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r2 -
 printf 'r4 \n' > expected-range-r4
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with unreachable lower 
boundary revision and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 3:4 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r4 -
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range with unreachable lower 
boundary revision and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 4:3 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r4 -
 printf -- 
'------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' > 
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with unreachable boundary 
revisions and no commits' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 5:6 | test_cmp expected-separator -
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range with unreachable boundary 
revisions and no commits' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 6:5 | test_cmp expected-separator -
 test_expect_success 'test ascending revision range with unreachable boundary 
revisions and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 3:5 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r4 -
 test_expect_success 'test descending revision range with unreachable boundary 
revisions and 1 commit' "
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn log -r 5:3 | grep '^r[0-9]' | cut -d'|' -f1 | test_cmp 
expected-range-r4 -
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 69e9c0d..dfed76f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -83,25 +83,25 @@ EOF
        rm -f expect actual
-test_expect_success 'init with -s/-T/-b/-t without --prefix warns' '
+test_expect_success 'init with -s/-T/-b/-t assumes --prefix=origin/' '
        test ! -d project &&
        git svn init -s "$svnrepo"/project project 2>warning &&
-       grep -q prefix warning &&
-       test_svn_configured_prefix "" &&
+       test_must_fail grep -q prefix warning &&
+       test_svn_configured_prefix "origin/" &&
        rm -rf project &&
        rm -f warning
-test_expect_success 'clone with -s/-T/-b/-t without --prefix warns' '
+test_expect_success 'clone with -s/-T/-b/-t assumes --prefix=origin/' '
        test ! -d project &&
        git svn clone -s "$svnrepo"/project 2>warning &&
-       grep -q prefix warning &&
-       test_svn_configured_prefix "" &&
+       test_must_fail grep -q prefix warning &&
+       test_svn_configured_prefix "origin/" &&
        rm -rf project &&
        rm -f warning
-test_expect_success 'init with -s/-T/-b/-t and --prefix does not warn' '
+test_expect_success 'init with -s/-T/-b/-t and --prefix="" still works' '
        test ! -d project &&
        git svn init -s "$svnrepo"/project project --prefix="" 2>warning &&
        test_must_fail grep -q prefix warning &&
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ test_expect_success 'init with -s/-T/-b/-t and --prefix 
does not warn' '
        rm -f warning
-test_expect_success 'clone with -s/-T/-b/-t and --prefix does not warn' '
+test_expect_success 'clone with -s/-T/-b/-t and --prefix="" still works' '
        test ! -d project &&
        git svn clone -s "$svnrepo"/project --prefix="" 2>warning &&
        test_must_fail grep -q prefix warning &&
diff --git a/t/ 
index 15f93b4..ed4d136 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ test_expect_success 'test clone with funky branch names' '
        git svn clone -s "$svnrepo/pr ject" project &&
                cd project &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/fun%20plugin" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/more%20fun%20plugin!" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/$scary_ref" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/%2Eleading_dot" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/trailing_dot%2E" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/trailing_dotlock%2Elock" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/$non_reflog"
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/fun%20plugin" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/more%20fun%20plugin!" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/$scary_ref" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/%2Eleading_dot" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/trailing_dot%2E" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/trailing_dotlock%2Elock" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/$non_reflog"
 test_expect_success 'test dcommit to funky branch' "
                cd project &&
-               git reset --hard 'refs/remotes/more%20fun%20plugin!' &&
+               git reset --hard 'refs/remotes/origin/more%20fun%20plugin!' &&
                echo hello >> foo &&
                git commit -m 'hello' -- foo &&
                git svn dcommit
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test dcommit to funky branch' "
 test_expect_success 'test dcommit to scary branch' '
                cd project &&
-               git reset --hard "refs/remotes/$scary_ref" &&
+               git reset --hard "refs/remotes/origin/$scary_ref" &&
                echo urls are scary >> foo &&
                git commit -m "eep" -- foo &&
                git svn dcommit
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ test_expect_success 'test dcommit to scary branch' '
 test_expect_success 'test dcommit to trailing_dotlock branch' '
                cd project &&
-               git reset --hard "refs/remotes/trailing_dotlock%2Elock" &&
+               git reset --hard "refs/remotes/origin/trailing_dotlock%2Elock" 
                echo who names branches like this anyway? >> foo &&
                git commit -m "bar" -- foo &&
                git svn dcommit
diff --git a/t/ 
index 1d92c05..1c84ce1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@ test_expect_success 'test clone --stdlayout with percent 
escapes' '
        git svn clone --stdlayout "$svnrepo/pr%20ject" percent &&
                cd percent &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/trunk^0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/b^0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v1^0
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/trunk^0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/b^0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v1^0
 test_expect_success 'test clone -s with unescaped space' '
-       git svn clone -s "$svnrepo/pr ject" space &&
+       git svn clone -s "$svnrepo/pr ject" --prefix origin/ space &&
                cd space &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/trunk^0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/b^0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v1^0
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/trunk^0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/b^0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v1^0
diff --git a/t/ 
index 096abd1..0d53fc9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ test_expect_success 'test clone with multi-glob in branch 
names' '
        git svn clone -T trunk -b branches/*/* -t tags \
                      "$svnrepo/project" project &&
        (cd project &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/v14.1/beta" &&
-               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/v14.1/gold"
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/v14.1/beta" &&
+               git rev-parse "refs/remotes/origin/v14.1/gold"
 test_expect_success 'test dcommit to multi-globbed branch' "
        (cd project &&
-       git reset --hard 'refs/remotes/v14.1/gold' &&
+       git reset --hard 'refs/remotes/origin/v14.1/gold' &&
        echo hello >> foo &&
        git commit -m 'hello' -- foo &&
        git svn dcommit
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4b034a6..4e95f79 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -29,30 +29,30 @@ test_expect_success 'initialize svnrepo' '
 test_expect_success 'import into git' '
        git svn init --stdlayout "$svnrepo" &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git checkout remotes/trunk
+       git checkout remotes/origin/trunk
 test_expect_success 'git svn branch tests' '
        git svn branch a &&
        base=$(git rev-parse HEAD:) &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/a:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/a:) &&
        git svn branch -m "created branch b blah" b &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/b:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/b:) &&
        test_must_fail git branch -m "no branchname" &&
        git svn branch -n c &&
-       test_must_fail git rev-parse remotes/c &&
+       test_must_fail git rev-parse remotes/origin/c &&
        test_must_fail git svn branch a &&
        git svn branch -t tag1 &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/tags/tag1:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/tags/tag1:) &&
        git svn branch --tag tag2 &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/tags/tag2:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/tags/tag2:) &&
        git svn tag tag3 &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/tags/tag3:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/tags/tag3:) &&
        git svn tag -m "created tag4 foo" tag4 &&
-       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/tags/tag4:) &&
+       test $base = $(git rev-parse remotes/origin/tags/tag4:) &&
        test_must_fail git svn tag -m "no tagname" &&
        git svn tag -n tag5 &&
-       test_must_fail git rev-parse remotes/tags/tag5 &&
+       test_must_fail git rev-parse remotes/origin/tags/tag5 &&
        test_must_fail git svn tag tag1
diff --git a/t/ 
index 5280e5f..93db45d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone using git svn' 'git svn clone -s 
"$svnrepo" x'
 test_expect_success 'test that b1 exists and is empty' '
                cd x &&
-               git reset --hard branch-c &&
+               git reset --hard origin/branch-c &&
                test -f b1 &&
                ! test -s b1
diff --git a/t/ 
index 3cd0671..8e7f7d6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ test_expect_success 'clone multiple branch and tag paths' '
                      -t tags_A/* --tags tags_B \
                      "$svnrepo/project" git_project &&
        ( cd git_project &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/first &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/second &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/1 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/2 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/1.0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/2.0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/3.0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/4.0 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v5 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v6 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v7 &&
-               git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/v8
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/first &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/second &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/1 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/2 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/1.0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/2.0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/3.0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/4.0 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v5 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v6 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v7 &&
+               git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/v8
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ test_expect_success 'Multiple branch or tag paths require -d' 
        ( cd git_project &&
                test_must_fail git svn branch -m "No new branch" Nope &&
                test_must_fail git svn tag -m "No new tag" Tagless &&
-               test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/Nope &&
-               test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/tags/Tagless
+               test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/Nope &&
+               test_must_fail git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/tags/Tagless
        ) &&
        ( cd svn_project &&
                svn_cmd up &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 16852d2..6559137 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ test_expect_success 'git svn clone --stdlayout sets up trunk 
as master' '
        git svn clone -s "$svnrepo" g &&
                cd g &&
-               test x`git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/trunk^0` = \
+               test x`git rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/trunk^0` = \
                     x`git rev-parse --verify refs/heads/master^0`
diff --git a/t/ 
index a486a98..184336f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch deleted tags from same revision 
with checksum error'
        cd git_project &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git diff --exit-code mybranch:trunk/subdir/file tags/mytag:file &&
-       git diff --exit-code master:subdir/file tags/mytag^:file
+       git diff --exit-code origin/mybranch:trunk/subdir/file 
origin/tags/mytag:file &&
+       git diff --exit-code master:subdir/file origin/tags/mytag^:file
diff --git a/t/ 
index 5ce7e2f..7a6e33b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch deleted tags from same revision 
with no checksum erro
        cd git_project &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git diff --exit-code master:subdir3/file tags/mytag:file &&
-       git diff --exit-code master:subdir2/file tags/mytag^:file &&
-       git diff --exit-code master:subdir1/file tags/mytag^^:file
+       git diff --exit-code master:subdir3/file origin/tags/mytag:file &&
+       git diff --exit-code master:subdir2/file origin/tags/mytag^:file &&
+       git diff --exit-code master:subdir1/file origin/tags/mytag^^:file
diff --git a/t/ 
index 1eab701..6cb0909 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ test_expect_success 'load svn dump' "
 test_expect_success 'propagate merge information' '
        git config svn.pushmergeinfo yes &&
-       git checkout svnb1 &&
-       git merge --no-ff svnb2 &&
+       git checkout origin/svnb1 &&
+       git merge --no-ff origin/svnb2 &&
        git svn dcommit
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check svn:mergeinfo' '
 test_expect_success 'merge another branch' '
-       git merge --no-ff svnb3 &&
+       git merge --no-ff origin/svnb3 &&
        git svn dcommit
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ test_expect_success 'check primary parent mergeinfo 
respected' '
 test_expect_success 'merge existing merge' '
-       git merge --no-ff svnb4 &&
+       git merge --no-ff origin/svnb4 &&
        git svn dcommit
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ test_expect_success "check both parents' mergeinfo respected" 
 test_expect_success 'make further commits to branch' '
-       git checkout svnb2 &&
+       git checkout origin/svnb2 &&
        touch newb2file &&
        git add newb2file &&
        git commit -m "later b2 commit" &&
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ test_expect_success 'make further commits to branch' '
 test_expect_success 'second forward merge' '
-       git checkout svnb1 &&
-       git merge --no-ff svnb2 &&
+       git checkout origin/svnb1 &&
+       git merge --no-ff origin/svnb2 &&
        git svn dcommit
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ test_expect_success 'check new mergeinfo added' '
 test_expect_success 'reintegration merge' '
-       git checkout svnb4 &&
-       git merge --no-ff svnb1 &&
+       git checkout origin/svnb4 &&
+       git merge --no-ff origin/svnb1 &&
        git svn dcommit
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ test_expect_success 'check reintegration mergeinfo' '
 test_expect_success 'dcommit a merge at the top of a stack' '
-       git checkout svnb1 &&
+       git checkout origin/svnb1 &&
        touch anotherfile &&
        git add anotherfile &&
        git commit -m "a commit" &&
-       git merge svnb4 &&
+       git merge origin/svnb4 &&
        git svn dcommit
diff --git a/t/ 
index cd4c662..d6245ce 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ test_expect_success 'rebase looses SVN merge (m)' '
 test_expect_success 'reset and fetch gets the SVN merge (m) correctly' '
        git svn reset -r 3 &&
-       git reset --hard trunk &&
+       git reset --hard origin/trunk &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       test 2 = $(git cat-file -p trunk|grep parent|wc -l)
+       test 2 = $(git cat-file -p origin/trunk|grep parent|wc -l)
diff --git a/t/ 
index 13ae7e3..fa3ef3b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone svn repo' '
 test_expect_success 'verify merge commit' 'x=$(git rev-parse HEAD^2) &&
-       y=$(git rev-parse branch2) &&
+       y=$(git rev-parse origin/branch2) &&
        test "x$x" = "x$y"
diff --git a/t/ 
index af0ec0e..52f2e46 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ test_expect_success 'clone svn repo' '
 test_expect_success 'verify merge commit' 'x=$(git rev-parse HEAD^2) &&
-       y=$(git rev-parse branch2) &&
+       y=$(git rev-parse origin/branch2) &&
        test "x$x" = "x$y"
diff --git a/t/ 
index 53def87..ba35fc0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ test_expect_success 'import into git' '
        git svn init --trunk=trunk/project --branches=branches/*/project \
                --tags=tags/*/project "$svnrepo" &&
        git svn fetch &&
-       git checkout remotes/trunk
+       git checkout remotes/origin/trunk
 test_expect_success 'git svn branch tests' '

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