Signed-off-by: Felipe Contreras <>
 Makefile            |   2 +-
 git-rb-setup.rb     |  25 ++++++++
 git-request-pull.rb | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 162 ----------------------------------------------------
 ruby.c              |   1 +
 5 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 git-request-pull.rb
 delete mode 100755

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8a4e48f..cb6bb4e 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ SCRIPT_SH +=
@@ -493,6 +492,7 @@ SCRIPT_PYTHON +=
 SCRIPT_RUBY += git-rb-setup.rb
 SCRIPT_RUBY += git-refs.rb
+SCRIPT_RUBY += git-request-pull.rb
 NO_INSTALL += git-remote-testgit
 NO_INSTALL += git-remote-testpy
diff --git a/git-rb-setup.rb b/git-rb-setup.rb
index 969278a..f3a2c99 100644
--- a/git-rb-setup.rb
+++ b/git-rb-setup.rb
@@ -9,3 +9,28 @@ end
 def sha1_to_hex(sha1)
+def pager(msg)
+  pager = ENV['GIT_PAGER'] || `git var GIT_PAGER`.chomp
+  system("echo -n '#{msg}' | #{pager}")
+class CommandError < RuntimeError
+  attr_reader :command, :output
+  def initialize(command, output)
+     @command = command
+     @output = output
+  end
+  def to_s
+    Array(@command).join(' ').inspect
+  end
+def run(cmd)
+  system(cmd)
+  raise, nil) unless $?.success?
diff --git a/git-request-pull.rb b/git-request-pull.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d0156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git-request-pull.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require_relative 'git-rb-setup'
+patch = ''
+def usage
+  pager <<EOF
+usage: git request-pull [options] start url [end]
+    -p                    show patch text as well
+  exit 1
+until ARGV.empty?
+  case ARGV.first
+  when '-p'
+    patch = '-p'
+  when '--'
+    ARGV.shift
+    break
+  when /^-/
+    usage
+  else
+    break
+  end
+  ARGV.shift
+base = ARGV[0]
+url = ARGV[1]
+head = ARGV[2] || 'HEAD'
+status = 0
+branch_name = nil
+headref = `git symbolic-ref -q "#{head}"`.chomp
+if system(%[git show-ref -q --verify "#{headref}"])
+  branch_name = headref.gsub(/^refs\/heads\//, '')
+  if branch_name == headref ||
+    ! system(%[git config "branch.#{branch_name}.description" >/dev/null])
+    branch_name = nil
+  end
+tag_name = `git describe --exact "#{head}^0" 2>/dev/null`.chomp
+usage unless base or url
+baserev = `git rev-parse --verify --quiet "#{base}"^0`.chomp
+die "Not a valid revision: #{base}" if baserev.empty?
+headrev = `git rev-parse --verify --quiet "#{head}"^0`.chomp
+die "Not a valid revision: #{head}" if headrev.empty?
+merge_base = `git merge-base #{baserev} #{headrev}`.chomp
+die "No commits in common between #{base} and #{head}" unless $?.success?
+# $head is the token given from the command line, and $tag_name, if
+# exists, is the tag we are going to show the commit information for.
+# If that tag exists at the remote and it points at the commit, use it.
+# Otherwise, if a branch with the same name as $head exists at the remote
+# and their values match, use that instead.
+# Otherwise find a random ref that matches $headrev.
+  sub abbr {
+    my $ref = shift;
+    if ($ref =~ s|^refs/heads/|| || $ref =~ s|^refs/tags/|tags/|) {
+      return $ref;
+    } else {
+      return $ref;
+    }
+  }
+  my ($tagged, $branch, $found);
+  while (<STDIN>) {
+    my ($sha1, $ref, $deref) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+?)(\^\{\})?$/;
+    next unless ($sha1 eq $ARGV[1]);
+    $found = abbr($ref);
+    if ($deref && $ref eq "tags/$ARGV[2]") {
+      $tagged = $found;
+      last;
+    }
+    if ($ref =~ m|/\Q$ARGV[0]\E$|) {
+      $exact = $found;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($tagged) {
+    print "$tagged\n";
+  } elsif ($exact) {
+    print "$exact\n";
+  } elsif ($found) {
+    print "$found\n";
+  }
+ref = `git ls-remote "#{url}" | perl -e '#{find_matching_ref}' "#{head}" 
"#{headrev}" "#{tag_name}"`.chomp
+url = `git ls-remote --get-url "#{url}"`.chomp
+  run(%[git show -s --format='The following changes since commit %H:
+  %s (%ci)
+are available in the git repository at:
+' #{merge_base}])
+  puts "  #{url}" + (ref.empty? ? "" : " #{ref}")
+  run(%[git show -s --format='
+for you to fetch changes up to %H:
+  %s (%ci)
+----------------------------------------------------------------' #{headrev}])
+  if branch_name
+    puts "(from the branch description for #{branch_name} local branch)"
+    puts
+    run(%[git config "branch.#{branch_name}.description"])
+  end
+  if not tag_name.empty?
+    if ref.empty? || ref != "tags/#{tag_name}"
+      $stderr.puts "warn: You locally have #{tag_name} but it does not (yet)"
+      $stderr.puts "warn: appear to be at #{url}"
+      $stderr.puts "warn: Do you want to push it there, perhaps?"
+    end
+    run(%[git cat-file tag "#{tag_name}" | sed -n -e '1,/^$/d' -e 
'/^-----BEGIN PGP /q' -e p])
+    puts
+  end
+  if branch_name or not tag_name.empty?
+    puts "----------------------------------------------------------------"
+  end
+  run(%[git shortlog ^#{baserev} #{headrev}])
+  run(%[git diff -M --stat --summary #{patch} #{merge_base}..#{headrev}])
+  if ref.empty?
+    $stderr.puts "warn: No branch of #{url} is at:"
+    run("git show -s --format='warn:   %h: %s' #{headrev} >&2")
+    $stderr.puts "warn: Are you sure you pushed '#{head}' there?"
+    status = 1
+  end
+rescue CommandError
+  status = 1
+exit status
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index ebf1269..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2005, Ryan Anderson <>
-# This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version
-# at the discretion of Linus Torvalds.
-USAGE='<start> <url> [<end>]'
-LONG_USAGE='Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output,
-and includes the given URL in the generated summary.'
-OPTIONS_SPEC='git request-pull [options] start url [end]
-p    show patch text as well
-. git-sh-setup
-export GIT_PAGER
-while  case "$#" in 0) break ;; esac
-       case "$1" in
-       -p)
-               patch=-p ;;
-       --)
-               shift; break ;;
-       -*)
-               usage ;;
-       *)
-               break ;;
-       esac
-       shift
-base=$1 url=$2 head=${3-HEAD} status=0 branch_name=
-headref=$(git symbolic-ref -q "$head")
-if git show-ref -q --verify "$headref"
-       branch_name=${headref#refs/heads/}
-       if test "z$branch_name" = "z$headref" ||
-               ! git config "branch.$branch_name.description" >/dev/null
-       then
-               branch_name=
-       fi
-tag_name=$(git describe --exact "$head^0" 2>/dev/null)
-test -n "$base" && test -n "$url" || usage
-baserev=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet "$base"^0)
-if test -z "$baserev"
-    die "fatal: Not a valid revision: $base"
-headrev=$(git rev-parse --verify --quiet "$head"^0)
-if test -z "$headrev"
-    die "fatal: Not a valid revision: $head"
-merge_base=$(git merge-base $baserev $headrev) ||
-die "fatal: No commits in common between $base and $head"
-# $head is the token given from the command line, and $tag_name, if
-# exists, is the tag we are going to show the commit information for.
-# If that tag exists at the remote and it points at the commit, use it.
-# Otherwise, if a branch with the same name as $head exists at the remote
-# and their values match, use that instead.
-# Otherwise find a random ref that matches $headrev.
-       sub abbr {
-               my $ref = shift;
-               if ($ref =~ s|^refs/heads/|| || $ref =~ s|^refs/tags/|tags/|) {
-                       return $ref;
-               } else {
-                       return $ref;
-               }
-       }
-       my ($tagged, $branch, $found);
-       while (<STDIN>) {
-               my ($sha1, $ref, $deref) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+?)(\^\{\})?$/;
-               next unless ($sha1 eq $ARGV[1]);
-               $found = abbr($ref);
-               if ($deref && $ref eq "tags/$ARGV[2]") {
-                       $tagged = $found;
-                       last;
-               }
-               if ($ref =~ m|/\Q$ARGV[0]\E$|) {
-                       $exact = $found;
-               }
-       }
-       if ($tagged) {
-               print "$tagged\n";
-       } elsif ($exact) {
-               print "$exact\n";
-       } elsif ($found) {
-               print "$found\n";
-       }
-ref=$(git ls-remote "$url" | perl -e "$find_matching_ref" "$head" "$headrev" 
-url=$(git ls-remote --get-url "$url")
-git show -s --format='The following changes since commit %H:
-  %s (%ci)
-are available in the git repository at:
-' $merge_base &&
-echo "  $url${ref+ $ref}" &&
-git show -s --format='
-for you to fetch changes up to %H:
-  %s (%ci)
-----------------------------------------------------------------' $headrev &&
-if test -n "$branch_name"
-       echo "(from the branch description for $branch_name local branch)"
-       echo
-       git config "branch.$branch_name.description"
-fi &&
-if test -n "$tag_name"
-       if test -z "$ref" || test "$ref" != "tags/$tag_name"
-       then
-               echo >&2 "warn: You locally have $tag_name but it does not 
-               echo >&2 "warn: appear to be at $url"
-               echo >&2 "warn: Do you want to push it there, perhaps?"
-       fi
-       git cat-file tag "$tag_name" |
-       sed -n -e '1,/^$/d' -e '/^-----BEGIN PGP /q' -e p
-       echo
-fi &&
-if test -n "$branch_name" || test -n "$tag_name"
-       echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
-fi &&
-git shortlog ^$baserev $headrev &&
-git diff -M --stat --summary $patch $merge_base..$headrev || status=1
-if test -z "$ref"
-       echo "warn: No branch of $url is at:" >&2
-       git show -s --format='warn:   %h: %s' $headrev >&2
-       echo "warn: Are you sure you pushed '$head' there?" >&2
-       status=1
-exit $status
diff --git a/ruby.c b/ruby.c
index 7f0cc9d..733215a 100644
--- a/ruby.c
+++ b/ruby.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ static void git_init(void)
 static const char *commands[] = {
+       "request-pull",
 static void run_ruby_command(int argc, const char **argv)

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