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- [PATCH 06/11] Simplify "How to make a commit" Thomas Ackermann
- Re: [PATCH 06/11] Simplify "How to make a commi... Junio C Hamano
- [PATCH 07/11] Improve section "Manipulating branches... Thomas Ackermann
- Re: [PATCH 07/11] Improve section "Manipulating... Junio C Hamano
- [PATCH 10/11] Remove irrelevant reference from "Tyin... Thomas Ackermann
- [PATCH 11/11] "git prune" is safe Thomas Ackermann
- Re: [PATCH 11/11] "git prune" is safe Junio C Hamano
- [PATCH 08/11] Improve section "Merging multiple tree... Thomas Ackermann
- Re: [PATCH 08/11] Improve section "Merging mult... Junio C Hamano
- [PATCH 09/11] Remove unnecessary historical note from &qu... Thomas Ackermann
- Re: [PATCH 09/11] Remove unnecessary historical note... Junio C Hamano