Hi, it seems that if you use the remote-helpers/git-remote-hg to clone a mercurial repo the timezone information of commits gets transformed into your current timezone. (command: git clone hg::…)
I noticed this when a colleague in another timezone used Kiln to also export the same mercurial repo that i had cloned from git before. Fetching from his git repo gives me a "second root tree" with all commits duplicated. A git show of two equivalent commit reveals that the Date: line of the commits changed. Tracking this back into the original mercurial repo reveals that _his_ times are correct. This will also make two or more clones from different timezones all using the same hg remote repo incompatible! Example: Original mercurial commit (timezone: -7200 = -4h) https://bitbucket.org/lipis/gae-init/commits/a43078f90e727a13767cf14c740157763fb423b5/raw/ Lipis git export via Kiln: (-4h) https://github.com/lipis/gae-init/commit/36b7cabf03fbba784cc41b63430433e9fc79ca8c My export via git clone hg::ssh://h...@bitbucket.org/lipis/gae-init (+2h) https://github.com/joernhees/git-hg-remote-bug_gae-init/commit/8341bf10f1f0a7a924717a8a2c1770f61acd51ae Expected would be that the hashes of both git exports are the same. His are correct as far as i can tell. Cheers, Jörn -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html