Am 13.07.2013 22:08, schrieb Junio C Hamano:
> Junio C Hamano <> writes:
>> If "--lockref" automatically implies "--allow-no-ff" (the design in
>> the reposted patch), you cannot express that combination.  But once
>> you use "--lockref" in such a situation , for the push to succeed,
>> you know that the push replaces not just _any_ ancestor of what you
>> are pushing, but replaces the exact current value.  So I do not think
>> your implicit introduction of --allow-no-ff via redefining the
>> semantics of the plus prefix is not adding much value (if any),
>> while making the common case less easy to use.
>>> No; --lockref only adds the check that the destination is at the
>>> expected revision, but does *NOT* override the no-ff check.
>> You _could_ do it in that way, but that is less useful.
> Another issue I have with the proposal is that we close the door to
> "force only this one" convenience we have with "+ref" vs "--force
> ref".  Assuming that it is useful to require lockref while still
> making sure that the usual "must fast-forward" rule is followed (if
> that is not the case, I do not see a reason why your proposal is any
> useful---am I missing something?),

The ability to express "require both fast-forward and --lockref" is just
an artefact of the independence of fast-forward-ness and --lockref in my
proposal. It is not something that I think is absolutely necessary.

> I would prefer to allow users a
> way to decorate this basic syntax to say:
>     git push --lockref master jch pu
> things like
>  (1) pu may not fast-forward and please override that "must
>      fast-forward" check from it, while still keeping the lockref
>      safety (e.g. "+pu" that does not --force, which is your
>      proposal);

That must be a misunderstanding. In my proposal

    git push --lockref +pu

would do what you need here. I don't know where you get the idea that
these two

    git push --lockref +pu
    git push +pu

would be different with regard to non-fast-forward-ness. The table
entries were correct.

[Please do not use the option name "--force" in the discussion unless
you mean "all kinds of safety off".]

>  (2) any of them may not fast-forward and please override that "must
>      fast-forward" check from it, while still keeping the lockref
>      safety (without adding "--allow-no-ff", I do not see how it is
>      possible with your proposal, short of forcing user to add "+"
>      everywhere);

The point of my proposal is to force users to add + when they want to
allow non-fast-forward. Usually, this is shorter to type anyway than to
insert --force or --allow-no-ff in the command.

>  (3) I know jch does not fast-forward so please override the "must
>      fast-forward", but still apply the lockref safety, pu may not
>      even satisfy lockref safety so please force it (as the "only
>      force this one" semantics is removed from "+", I do not see how
>      it is possible with your proposal).

I think

   git push --lockref=jch +jch +pu

would do.

> The semantics the posted patch (rerolled to allow "--force" push
> anything) implements lets "--lockref" to imply "--allow-no-ff" and
> that makes it much simpler; we do not have to deal with any of the
> above complexity.

But see my other post, where this hurts users who have a fast-forward
push refspec configured.

> [Footnote]
>  *1* The assurance --lockref gives is a lot stronger than "must
>      fast-forward".
>      If your change were not a rebase but to build one of you own:
>      o---o----o----o----o----X---Y
>      your "git push --lockref=topic:X Y:X" still requires the tip is
>      at X.  If somebody rewound the tip to X~2 in the meantime
>      (because they decided the tip 2 commits were not good), your
>      "git push Y:X" without the "--lockref" will lose their rewind,
>      because Y will still be a fast-forward update of X~2.
>      "--lockref=topic:X" will protect you in this case as well.

Good point.

>      So I think "--lockref" that automatically disables "must
>      fast-forward" check is the right thing to do, as we are
>      replacing the weaker "must fast-forward" with something
>      stronger.

But I do not share this conclusion. My conclusion is that your proposal
replaces one kind of check with a very different kind of check.

>      I do not think we are getting anything from forcing
>      the user to say "--allow-no-ff" with "+ref" syntax when the
>      user says "--lockref".

Is this the same misunderstanding? My proposal does not require
--allow-no-ff with +ref syntax when --lockref is used.

-- Hannes

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