Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Eric Sunshine <sunsh...@sunshineco.com> writes:
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Thomas Rast <tr...@inf.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:
>>>>  (2) In the ranges "-L <anything>,/B/ -L /C/,<anything>", the
>>>>      beginning of the second range is found by choosing C that comes
>>>>      _after_ the end of the previous range (/B/ may choose either
>>>>      the second or the 4th line, and the only C that comes after
>>>>      either of them is the 5th line and that is where the second
>>>>      range should begin, not at the beginning of the file).  The
>>>>      same for "-L 1,3 -L /C/" (only C that comes after 3 is eligible
>>>>      to be the beginning of the second range).
>>> So passing several -L arguments does not blame the union of what each
>>> argument would blame individually?  Doesn't that make it rather harder
>>> to explain?
>> I don't think Junio meant to imply that. Collecting the blame ranges
>> can/should be a distinct step from coalescing them. Junio is saying
>> that an -L /re/ range search should start after the maximum line
>> number already specified by any preceding range.
> I am not sure if I want "maximum specified so far". I meant "start
> searching at the last location", e.g.
>       -L 100,200 -L 4,6 -L /A/,+20
> would want to find the first A after line 6, not after line 200.

Ok, so my point (in new words, since the old one was apparently too
terse) is:

If you define it that way, the output of

  git blame -L 4,6; git blame -L /A/,+20

is significantly different from

  git blame -L 4,6 -L /A/,+20

Not just in the presentation or any possible coalescing, but in the
meaning of the ranges.

Do you really want to make it that way?

Thomas Rast
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