On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 3:14 AM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> The pack revindex stores the offsets of the objects in the
> pack in sorted order, allowing us to easily find the on-disk
> size of each object. To compute it, we populate an array
> with the offsets from the sha1-sorted idx file, and then use
> qsort to order it by offsets.
> That does O(n log n) offset comparisons, and profiling shows
> that we spend most of our time in cmp_offset. However, since
> we are sorting on a simple off_t, we can use numeric sorts
> that perform better. A radix sort can run in O(k*n), where k
> is the number of "digits" in our number. For a 64-bit off_t,
> using 16-bit "digits" gives us k=4.

Did you try the simple bucket sort Colby now uses in JGit?

The sort is pretty simple:

  bucket_size = pack_length / object_count;
  buckets[] = malloc(object_count * sizeof(int));

  foreach obj in idx:
    push_chain(buckets[obj.offset / bucket_size], obj.idx_nth);

  foreach bucket:
    insertion sort by offset


We observed on linux.git that most buckets have an average number of
objects. IIRC the bucket_size was ~201 bytes and most buckets had very
few objects each. For lookups we keep the bucket_size parameter and a
bucket index table. This arrangement uses 8 bytes per object in the
reverse index, making it very memory efficient. Searches are typically
below O(log N) time because each bucket has <log N entries.
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