On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Ramkumar Ramachandra <artag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sedat Dilek wrote:
>> Sometimes I need to bisect a previous Linux-Next version.
>> What I am doing is to have the latest Linux-v3.x.y(-rcX) as stable base.
>> $ git checkout upstream
>> $ git checkout -b Linux-v3.10-rc7 v3.10-rc7
>> Afterwards I checkout the latest Linux-Next remote repository with all
>> its (new) tags (here: next-20130628)
>> $ git checkout -b Linux-Next-v20130628
>> $ git pull linux-next --tags next-20130628
>> How do I get the latest available linux-version in the downgraded
>> (current) Linux-Next local repository (example: I have parallelly
>> Linux-Next-v20130702 and Linux-Next-v20130628)?
> I'm not able to understand the question.  I'm not sure why you're
> creating branches from existing tags.  You can easily do:
>   $ git bisect start @ v3.10-rc7
> (@ is a synonym for HEAD in the latest git)
> You can also fetch all tags:
>   $ git fetch --tags
> and decide what to do with them later:
>   $ git merge next-20130628
> In the process, next-20130628 hasn't changed: you can still use it as a
> bisect endpoint.
>> If I have all -next tags merged-in, I will get always today's 
>> 'next-20130702'.
>> Due to my poor git skillz I do this manually for git-bisect sessions.
> *scratches head*
> Can you try rephrasing your question?

OK, I will try.

The base for my local Linux development GIT repository is the one from
Linus (aka upstream/mainline).
There-in I pull diverse Linux-next releases where I take its latest
Linux-upstream version as the new base.


1. next-20130628 has its base as v3.10-rc7
2. next-20130702 has its base as v3.10

I am using always the version-tags for switching to a new local repo.

As said above I switch to the latest Linux-upstream version of the
corresponding -next and then pull in via '--tags' (see above).

Let's say I am on today's next-20130702 and switch back to my local
next-20130628 tree, the lastest version-tag available is always

It could be my workflow is somewhere wrong.

Hope this is a bit enlightening.

- Sedat -
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