Le 21.06.2013 15:41, Yann Droneaud a écrit :

In thoses two latter cases, running "git add" does not fail with a
fatal error: it does nothing.
I need to run "touch test" to make "git add" fail with error "fatal:
CRLF would be replaced by LF in test.

While searching on the Internet, I've found other people complaining of a similar error


The workaround, "git config --global core.trustctime false", might suggest there's a race somewhere while rebasing.

BTW, I forgot to describe my environnment:

- GNU/Linux
- Fedora 18 x86_64
- git version
- git version

I believe "git rebase" should not fail here, but more, it must not
fail in a different fashion randomly.


Yann Droneaud

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