On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 01:01:30PM -0500, Felipe Contreras wrote:

> >> > Sorry, but I don't agree, and I want to publicly state my opinion so
> >> > that Jonathan (and other bystanders on the list) knows that he is not
> >> > alone in his opinions.
> >>
> >> You don't agree that 1) a collegial work environment is overrated, 2)
> >> that the Linux kernel doesn't put an emphasis on being collegial, or
> >> 3) that it's the most successful software project in history?
> >
> > Point 1.
> Good, so we agree that a project doesn't need a collegial work
> environment to be extremely and amazingly successful.

No, I said that point 1 was the point I was not agreeing with. I do not
have an opinion on 2, as I do not interact with the kernel community
enough to know.

> In fact, any rational person would keep an open mind to the fact that
> perhaps it actually _helps_ to not have such environment, based on the
> evidence.

In my experience, dealing with you has been a giant time sink. For
example, this thread. Without needing to get into the exact definition
of "such an environment", the above statement is certainly my backed by
empirical experience.

> > I do not have an interest in cataloguing past conflicts I and others
> > have had with you; the list archive has done so.
> No. There is no such catalog. You made a claim, it's not backed by
> evidence, merely by your subjective experience. And memory is a pretty
> bad indicator of reality.

I think this thread is an excellent example all by itself.

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