Thanks for the update. I would like to add some comments on this G+E glossary 
and I hope you are interested in reading those, even though it is known that I 
prefer a "pure Ger" translation. However, as I wrote in my other message I 
agree that for the command line tool the criteria for choosing the translation 
approach are different from those for a GUI tool. So I can very well envision 
a good G+E translation for git core and subsequently all related books.

Am Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013, 18:53:18 schrieb Ralf Thielow:
> Basic repository objects:
>     blob           = Blob
>     tree           = Baum, Baum-Objekt (bevorzugt), "Tree"-Objekt
>     submodule      = Submodul
>     pack(noun)     = Pack-Datei
>     pack(verb)     = packen (ggf. Pack-Datei erstellen)
>     ancestor       = Vorfahre, Vorgänger, Vorgänger-Commit (bevorzugt)

Yes. Does the "Pack-Datei" appear anywhere in the book? I wouldn't understand 
the term, but then again, this is probably because I don't understand the 
semantic of this thingy as a repository object regardless of the language...

> Content in a repository:
>     file(s)        = Datei(en)
>     tracked file   = beobachtete Datei
>     track file     = beobachte Datei
>     untracked file = unbeobachtete Datei
>     directory      = Verzeichnis


> Repositories / tracking concepts:
>     clone (verb)           = klonen
>     clone (noun)           = der Klon
>     repository             = Repository
>     bare repository        = Bare Repository

Yes. After some evaluation of the git-gui translation I think using 
"Repository" there as well is probably the better choice.

>     working directory      = Arbeitsverzeichnis
>     working tree           = -||-
>     remote branch          = Remote-Branch
>     remote-tracking branch = Remote-Tracking-Branch
>     upstream branch        = Upstream-Branch

Yes. What's the main reason for using "Branch" in the German text? Consistency 
with the commands, or assumed familiarity of the term within the target 
audience? "Zweig" is available.

>     remote repository      = Remote-Repository
>     remote(noun)           = -||-
>     remote(adj)            = extern, entfernt liegend
> Authorship:
>     author    = Autor
>     committer = Commit-Ersteller
>     tagger    = Tag-Ersteller


> Commits, tags and other references:
>     HEAD           = HEAD
> Konzept aus der Git-Welt, daher nicht zu übersetzen.
>     detached HEAD  = losgelöster HEAD
>     commit(noun)      = Commit
>     commit(verb)      = committen
>     commit the result = das Ergebnis committen
>     parent commit     = Eltern-Commit
>     child commit      = Kind-Commit
>     commit message    = Commit-Beschreibung

Yes, for the G+E approach.

>     stash(noun)       = der Stash
>     stash(verb)       = "stashen", "stash" benutzen (bevorzugt)
>     unstash(verb)     = "unstashen", "zurückladen", "aus 'stash'
> zurückladen" (bevorzugt)

Using "Stash" in G+E is quite ugly, but the noun is probably unavoidable 
because the feature is pretty much unique to git. I'd suggest to use only the 
noun and use the verbs as "stash benutzen" and "aus stash zurückladen" as 

>     reference      = Referenz
>     revision       = Commit
>     branch         = Branch
>     tag(noun)      = Tag
>     tag(verb)      = taggen, Tag erstellen
>     annotated tag  = annotierter Tag
>     tag message    = Tag-Beschreibung

I've commented on "Branch" above. As for "Tag": Yes, the term is familiar 
among the target audience. However, do you really want this noun which is the 
same word as "Tag wie in Datum"? Some more disambiguation between the tag and 
the date would be helpful, wouldn't it?
The derived forms are fine, and also here I'd suggest to use only the G+E noun 
but construct the verbs with other German words: "Tag erstellen".

>     stage/index (noun) = Staging-Area, Index
>     stage/index (verb) = (für einen | zum) Commit vormerken
> (bevorzugt), zur Staging Area hinzufügen, dem Index hinzufügen
>     unstage (verb)     = aus Staging Area entfernen, aus Index entfernen

I'd strongly suggest not to use "Index". I've never understood why this term 
showed up in the English wording to begin with. It took me years until I got 
the point that from the user's point of view, this thingy has nothing to do 
with a book's index or a database's index, which is where I go to look up more 
information about a keyword. It is a big improvement to use "staging area" on 
the English side. If it has to be an English word due to consistency with the 
commands, I'd suggest "Staging-Area" or "Staging-Bereich". For the verb I'd 
agree to keep only the noun in English but construct the verb with German 
verbs, like already proposed here.

> Moving data around:
>     fetch = anfordern
>     pull  = zusammenführen
>     push  = versenden
>     fast-forward     = vorspulen
>     non-fast-forward = nicht vorspulen

IMHO yes, and the German terms make me even understand what is going on. (On 
the English side it took me ages to memorize the difference between fetch and 
pull, as the words don't offer any difference in meaning. But that's a 
different story.) However, you probably get a hard time here when explaining 
how to keep consistency with the command names: It isn't clear for the user 
why "fetch" should be the command name related to "anfordern" but "pull" is 
not. This unfortunately probably means you have to introduce the words "pull" 
and "fetch" somewhere in the German text.

> Commands:
>     log                = Log
>     interactive commit = interaktiver Commit
>     cherry-pick        = "cherry-pick" benutzen
>     rebase(verb)       = "rebase" benutzen
>     rebase(noun)       = "rebase"
>     archive            = archivieren
>     revert             = zurücknehmen
>     clean(verb)        = säubern/aufräumen
>     clean(noun)        = Säuberung
>     merge              = zusammenführen

Yes. (I'd hope to see some German word for "cherry-pick" and "rebase" 
("pflücken" and "neu aufbauen"), but then again, in G+E you probably keep that 

>     bundle(noun)       = Paket
>     bundle(verb)       = Paket erstellen
>     unbundle(verb)     = Paket entpacken
>     bisect             = binäre Suche
>     bisecting          = bei einer binären Suche sein, binäre Suche
> durchführen


> Diff/patch related:
>     diff               = Differenz
>     delta              = Differenz (or Delta)
>     patch              = Patch
>     apply              = anwenden
>     diffstat           = (leave it as it is)
>     hunk               = Bereich

IMHO "Kontext" is better if you use a German word. Technically the context is 
something else, but in a German text IMHO it fits nicer when explaining to the 
user where he/she can select the n-th hunk.

>     whitespace         = Whitespace

Yes. Indeed I haven't heard a good German word that transports the same 

> Still being worked out:
>     prune              = veraltete(n) Branch(es) entfernen

Yes, and it makes me even understand what the command is about to do.

>     checkout(verb)     = auschecken
>     git add      = hinzufügen
>     merge conflict = Merge-Konflikt
>     3-way merge    = 3-Wege-Merge

If merge was "zusammenführen" above, it should be "Zusammenführungs-Konflikt" 
here, and "3-Wege-Zusammenführung".

>     paths          = Pfade
>     symbolic link = symbolische Verknüfung
>     path = Pfad
>     link = Verknüpfung
>     reflog = Referenzprotokoll
>     partial commit (verb) = teilweise committen, partiell committen

Teilweise committen. (No partial derivatives here...)

>     partial commit (noun) = Teil-Commit
>     reset = neu setzen (maybe "umsetzen"?)
>     register   = in die Konfiguration eintragen
>     unregister = aus der Konfiguration austragen

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