On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 11:13:22PM -0700, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> Paul Mackerras wrote:
> > I thought I had replied to this patch; maybe I only thought about it.
> >
> > Given that we already have a selector to choose between exact and
> > regexp matching, it seems more natural to use that rather than add a
> > new selector entry.  Arguably the "IgnCase" option should be disabled
> > when "adding/removing string" is selected.
> Thanks.  I think I disagree: "log -G" and "log -S" are different
> operations, not variations on the same one.  

OK, fair enough, and I see there is in fact a --pickaxe-regex we
could use.

> The description "Find next commit adding/removing string:" very
> clearly conveys what "-S" means.  Maybe -G would be more clearly
> described as "Find next commit changing line that matches regex:" or
> "Find next commit changing line containing:"?

How about "changing lines matching:"?  If it gets too long it will
take up too much horizontal room.

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