On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 05:12:08PM +0100, John Keeping wrote:

> > So I'm not against TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY as a concept, but I'm having
> > trouble seeing how it is more useful than "--root".
> I think the original intent of TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY was to allow other
> users of the test framework (in contrib/ or the performance tests) to
> put their output in a sensible place for those tests, like you describe
> below.
> The patch being discussed here [1] just makes sure that it applies
> to everything - previously it was applied to test-results/
> inconsistently; test-lib.sh used TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY but the makefile
> didn't.  So we haven't actually changed where test-results/ live as a
> result of this change, just where the makefile looks in order to display
> the aggregate results and clean them up.

Ah, I see. Thanks, that was the piece I was missing.

> This confirms to me that the patch as it currently stands is correct: we
> have made TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY consistent and --root still works as
> before.
> [1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/222555

Yeah, if it is about harmonizing the Makefile and the test scripts, that
is definitely a bug fix, and the right thing to do.

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