On 4/11/13 8:46 AM, David Aguilar wrote:
Apologies because I don't know the Tk API very well.
In Qt there is an API method to raise windows -- QWidget::raise().
Is there no similar API in Tk?
I seems like this may be related:
..but it seems that -topmost may not be exactly the same thing.
That said, if there's no portable way to do it, then this is certainly a
Yes, I tried that one. Here is a quick test:
========== hello.tcl =============
# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
package require Tk
grid [ttk::button .b -text "Hello World"]
wm attributes . -topmost true
I'm not sure I'm doing it right, but it doesn't work.
Look like Tcl/Tk dev are very paranoic about windows created from
Terminal/shell scripts: they don't let them take over , even if it is
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