On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 05:54:05PM +0530, Joydeep Bakshi wrote:
> [1] the server will have different git repo with branches
> [2] there will be a web-based GUI which must be flexible to show just a 
> specific branch of a repo based on user authentication
> [3] the web-based GUI should also have the flexibility to show a single repo 
> based on the authentication
> [4] the web-based GUI should have an admin account to supervise and configure 
> all repos along with their branches
> [3] there must be a control mechanism in the repo/web based GUI which have 
> ACL on branches i.e.
> some specific users should see some specific/ or just a branch and able to 
> commit there only.
> based on the above scenario could anyone suggest the best available solution ?
> There are many like gitolike/github etc…. but don't know whig one has much 
> finer granular
> control/ACL/web-based GUI…

gitolite have a more fine ACL. Check it out. However it doesn't really
meet your needs with web-interface (and I'm not even sure about the ACL
thing is fine enough for you). You can read more about ACL in the git
book: http://git-scm.com/book/ch7-4.html

The webgui that's most populair is cgit and git-web. They don't do ACL

Why would you need ACL? Why not don't share the branches that are going
to be secret? Or are you looking for some branches to be read only?

When we did this, we did a simple gitolite implementation ourself and
integrated cgit on our website wich already had ACL. It works well.
Howerver we do ACL on repo-level, not on branch level.

You can also look into git-submodules which will make it possible for
you to do repo-wide ACL.

However I'm not sure you will be using git in the way git is designed
too and even if it will work, maybe an other solution is better for you.

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