wuzhouhui <wuzhouhu...@mails.ucas.ac.cn> writes:

> I have a file which contains complicated change history. When I use
>     git log -p file
> to see all changes made in this file, I found that a change disappeared
> for no reason.

"git log [-p] <pathspec>" is not about seeing *all* changes made to
the path(s) that match the pathspec.  Especially when your history
has merges, the command is to give you _one_ simplest explanation as
to how the contents of the path(s) came to be in the shape you see
in HEAD.

So for example, if you have a history like this (time flows from
left to right):

           \        /
            \      /

where A or B did *not* touch "file", X added a definition of func()
to "file", Y reverted the change X made to "file", M made a natural
merge between B and Y and N did not touch "file", "git log N file"
would not even show the existence of commits X or Y.  In the larger
picture, at ancient time O, the file started without func(), and
none of the commits A, B, M or N felt the need to add it and as the
result, N does not need the unwanted func().  So "file's contents
are the same since O throughout the history reaching N" is given as
_one_ simplest explanation.

The "--full-history" option may help, though.

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