Elijah Newren <new...@gmail.com> writes:

>> And the draft copy I locally have for the next issue of what's cooking
>> has the comment removed already.
>> Anything I missed?
> I was looking at the commit message for the merge commit where you
> merged in v2 of the series...

Ah, sorry, yes you are right, the merge messages can lag behind,
especially until the topic hits 'next'.  It is not a designed goal
to work that way, but just a consequene of how my workflow is

 * A merge grabs the message from the then-latest "what's cooking" draft.

 * The "what's cooking" draft is then updated.  This is a two-part

   - "git log --first-parent master..pu" is scanned, to see which
     parts of what topic are and are not yet in 'next' (this flips
     '-' and '+' prefix in the "what's cooking" report) and marks
     the changed parts for the next part.

   - An editor session looks for these topics with updated status
     and updates the comment in the "what's cooking" draft..

So, the topic with the new fix-up commit was merged to 'pu' with the
message taken from the "what's cooking" draft before the draft gets
updated with that fix-up commit.  When I have sufficient time, I
rebuild 'pu' twice (i.e. do the integration once, and then update
the "what's cooking" draft, rewind 'pu' to 'master' and do the
integration again to pick up messages from the updated "what's
cooking" draft), but yesterday was not one of those days X-<.

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