Hi everyone,
I personally prefer to have the changes I am about to commit visible in the diff view, while I write my commit message. So usually I do this: 1. Stage the file(s) I've been working on. 2. Select a file I just staged, so I can see the changes in the diff widget. 3. Jump to the "Commit Message" widget to type up my commit message. Basically, I would like to be able to skip step 2. When the user stages the last file in the "Unstaged Changes" widget, no file is selected and the diff view becomes blank. When this is the case, I would prefer that git-gui automatically selects one of the staged files and shows it in the diff widget before I type up my commit message. Naturally, this automatic selection should **only** happen when the user chooses focus the "Commit Message" widget. I propose: (When the user focuses the "Commit Message" widget, if no file is currently selected (i.e. diff widget shows no text)) automatically select the first file listed in the "Staged Changes" widget so the changes of that file show up in the diff widget. Thoughts? Best regards, Birger S Pedersen