On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 09:35:10PM +0200, Martin Ågren wrote:

> > > do also think it makes sense to first make the "softer" switch to
> > > Asciidoctor-by-default and get that particular hurdle behind us. Then,
> > > once we're ok with dropping AsciiDoc entirely, we can do the switch to
> > > an Asciidoctor-only toolchain.
> >
> > Yeah, I do still like that as an endgame, but I like what you have here
> > as an intermediate step in the right direction.
> Hmm, so this sounds like once I am happy with replacing AsciiDoc with
> Asciidoctor 1(.5.5), I should rather not propose a series "let's default
> to Asciidoctor!!!" but instead a slightly more careful "go with
> Asciidoctor, but document that we work badly with v2 and that the 2nd
> choice after Asciidoctor 1 should be AsciiDoc". Or do you see it
> differently? (I wonder which Asciidoctor-version Junio would be on..)

Yeah, that seems reasonable.

TBH, if making things in the middle step work turns out to be too hard,
I'm not entirely opposed to a hard switch.

The "does not work with 2.0" thing has to be a temporary step, though, I
think, since using the older versions will get harder and harder as time
goes on. I think it's OK to take such a temporary step as long as we
understand where it leads (and presumably its to directly generating the
roff with asciidoctor). The middle step of having asciidoctor+xmlto
helps us understand and isolate which changes are responsible for which
parts of the output.


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