Hi Ben,

On Mon, 26 Aug 2019, Ben Wijen wrote:

> Dscho's review got me thinking about the rationale behind the 'HEAD is now 
> at...'
> message.
> A 'stash push' is followed by a 'reset -q' but since 'stash create autostash' 
> is
> not, we must do it ourselves. I guess the legacy implementation could have 
> been
> 'reset --hard -q' which would have also prevented the 'HEAD is now at...' 
> message.
> Ofcourse I'm happy to reinstate the message, but I'm convinced it doesn't add
> information, as with this commit the original branch is no longer moved and
> - as before - the autostash is re-applied after the rebase, leaving nothing
> to be guessed about.

FWIW I disagree with the decision to mingle a bug fix with a change of
behavior. Resetting to the correct OID is of course the bug fix.
Dropping the message is a change of behavior.

I would be a lot more comfortable with a bug fix that did *not* change
the behavior, fast-tracking that to even maintenance branches.

And leaving the behavior change to cook in `next` for a while.

Of course, I am not Git's maintainer, if I were, I would insist on this
more careful approach.


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