On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 12:03:17PM -0400, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:

> I was trying to run "make profile" on the master branch (commit
> 5fa0f5238b: "Git 2.23") and it died in the
>       $(MAKE) PROFILE=GEN perf
> dies with:
>       cannot open test-results/p5302-pack-index.subtests: No such file or 
> directory at ./aggregate.perl line 153.
> I presume that's becuase the file 
> t/perf/test-results/p5302-pack-index.subtests is missing?

That file should be created by running p5302. If you do:

  cd t/perf
  rm -rf test-results
  ./run p5302-pack-index.sh

is it generated?

If so, then perhaps something removed it while the perf tests were
running. Did you run perhaps run "make clean" simultaneously?


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