On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 6:24 PM Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> The logic there exists in order to remove cruft around the name on a
> typical e-mail header (remember, most of the very core-ish part of
> the Git was written and got solidified back when the Linux kernel
> was the primary client of the system, and many commits were created
> via "am"), e.g. sender's mail client may send something like this:
>     From: 'Foo bar Baz' <m...@name.xz>
> and we do not want to take surrounding sq pair as part of the name.

I see but _standard_ rules to escape characters should apply as I
understand this. 'Foo bar Baz\'s' should be allowed as it should "Foo
bar Baz's". They should resolve to the same name too

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