>>> "UB" == Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>>> "RA" == Rafael Ascensão <rafa.al...@gmail.com> writes:
   >> You can achieve something close (on small repos, more on that later) with:
   >> $ git log --graph --color \
   >> --format='%C(auto)changeset: %h:%H%nuser:      %an%ndate:      
%ad%nsummary:   %s%n' \
   >> | git name-rev --refs=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) --name-only 

The script to generate a test repo is
git init
echo "First" > test.org
git add test.org
git add create.sh
git commit -a -m "First commit"
git checkout master   
echo "Second" >> test.org
git commit -a -m "Second"
echo "Third" >> test.org
git commit -a -m "Third"
echo "Forth" >> test.org
git commit  -a -m "Fourth"
echo "Fifth" >> test.org
git commit  -a -m "Fifth"
echo "Six" >> test.org
git commit  -a -m "Six"

Then your command even in a short shell script
 git log --graph --color --format='%C(auto)changeset: %h:%H%nuser:      
%an%ndate:      %ad%nsummary:   %s%n'   | git name-rev --refs=$(git rev-parse 
--abbrev-ref HEAD) --name-only --stdin | more

Works as you described.


Uwe Brauer 

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