Sent as an RFC since it was meant to be applied against ab/pcre-jit-fixes
but that is likely to change with the reroll of that branch.

 [PATCH 1/2] grep: make sure NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT disable JIT in PCRE1
 [PATCH 2/2] grep: refactor and simplify PCRE1 support

The end result could be squashed together before merging but sent as
independentt changes to make review easier, with the first change doing
the minimum required to make PCRE1 great again.

 Makefile |  9 ++-------
 grep.c   | 15 +++++++++------
 grep.h   | 11 -----------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

base-commit: 0f8c4ddfdddb72dc62d76864f5d3d31f136c7129

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