On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 10:16:50PM -0700, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:
> > The "--all" in rev-list family (including "git log") unconditionally
> > include HEAD.  The glitch here is that "--all" in rev-parse does
> > not.  And 4d5e1b1319 was an attempt to "fix" that, i.e. make "--all"
> > imply "HEAD".
> And it becomes really tempting to get rid of that "let's tweak
> --all" hack and declare that "rev-parse --all" is simply buggy,
> proposing a simple "bugfix" that may look like this (not even
> compile tested, but you get the idea).

Thanks for this nice pointer.

Lets think about this a little more, because this would give us a proper
solution. There would be a need to be backwards compatible to not break
peoples scripts right? The documentation says --all "Show all refs found
in refs/" so IMO we need some extra option that changes the '--all'
behavior. How about '--all-include-head'. Then e.g.

    git rev-parse --all-include-head --all --not origin/master

would include the head ref like you proposed below?

What do you think? Or would you rather go the route of changing
rev-parse behavior?

Cheers Heiko

>  builtin/rev-parse.c | 1 +
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
> diff --git a/builtin/rev-parse.c b/builtin/rev-parse.c
> index f8bbe6d47e..94f9a6efba 100644
> --- a/builtin/rev-parse.c
> +++ b/builtin/rev-parse.c
> @@ -766,6 +766,7 @@ int cmd_rev_parse(int argc, const char **argv, const char 
> *prefix)
>                       }
>                       if (!strcmp(arg, "--all")) {
>                               for_each_ref(show_reference, NULL);
> +                             head_ref(show_reference, NULL);
>                               clear_ref_exclusion(&ref_excludes);
>                               continue;
>                       }

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