Actually, I was actually using git log (not git diff... sorry for the mistake) 
because I also mine other information I(dates, author, summary, etc)

'git log  -m --first-parent --pretty=fuller --decorate=short  --name-only 

That being said, I can work with the git diff output to filter out the 
irrelevant info.  I would still be curious about whether this is a valid use 
of git log.


Jack McRoberts
Configuration Management Software Specialist
General Atomics EMS Group
Work Phone: 858-522-8342
16969 Mesamint St, Room 86-1023G,
San Diego, CA  92127

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-----Original Message-----
From: Elijah Newren <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 4:13 PM
To: McRoberts, John <>
Subject: -EXT-Re: Problem with git diff

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Hi John,

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 3:57 PM McRoberts, John <> wrote:
> I am responsible for generating a list of all files changed between
> two successive releases of software. I was using 'git diff' but have
> run into a problem.
> Consider the following situation: A development branch comes off of
> commit A and files are changed three times.  A tag (REL1) is placed on
> the third commit.  Then the branch is merged back to master.  At this
> point, master's HEAD is at C (and it remains there).  Two development
> branches are created off of master, the first of which is not
> important here.  In the second one, there are files changed and a tag (REL2) 
> applied.
> ---------------------[I]
> /      {dev branch}
> /
> /
>              {master branch}
> /
>  [A]
> ---------------------------------[B]------------------------------->[C
> ]
> master <HEAD>
>    \                               filelist 6                           /  \
>     \                                                                  /
> \
>      \                                                                /
> \
>       \                                                              /
> \
>        \                {development branch}                        /
> \
>         \------->[D]----------------------->[E]-------------------[F]
> \------[G]--------[H]
>                                                                  REL1
> REL2
>                 fileset 1               fileset 2           fileset 3
> fileset 4    fileset 5
> At this point, I run
>     'git diff  -m --first-parent --pretty=fuller --decorate=short
> --name-only REL2..REL2'

Wow, we really, really need to throw errors and warnings when people use crazy 
range operators with diff.[1][2]  What version of git are you using that 
accepts --decorate=short as an argument to `git diff`?
And why in the world does git diff accept --first-parent or --pretty=fuller?!? 
That's insane for git-diff to swallow that.
(#leftoverbits?)  Also, I think you meant `REL1` one of the two times you 
wrote `REL2`, which makes me suspect you may have done some copy-edit-paste 
and didn't try this actual command.

> I expect to see only filesets 4 and 5 listed.  I also see filesets 1,
> 2 and
> 3 showing up.  This means that the git diff command is showing files
> that,in fact, did not change between the two tags.  By the way, I
> verified with a file by file comparison that under REL2 and REL1, the
> files represented by filesets 1, 2 and 3 had identical contents.

>From your description, I assume you actually ran something like
  git diff --name-only REL1..REL2

which compares REL2 to the merge base of REL1 and REL2 (yes, this is totally 
counter-intuitive to a large percentage of the git userbase, but it is well 
documented and hard to change).  Also from your description, what you seem to 
want is
  git diff --name-only REL1 REL2

since you want to compare the two endpoints.  Does that help get what you 

Hope that helps,


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